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To make Cake on Harvest Moon you can use any fruit; apple, grape, banana, ETC.

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Q: On harvest moon DS what sort of fruit do you need to make cake?
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How do you make a cake on harvest moon ds?

egg, butter, flour, fruit or chocolate to make chocolate cake.

How do you Make Cake In harvest moon ds?

To make cake you need an oven.In the oven you need to put in an egg, a fruit, flour, and butter.

How do you bake a cake in harvest moon ds?

The recipe for Cake is Flour, Butter, an Egg, and a Fruit baked in the Oven.

Which cake does Celia like in Harvest Moon DS?

she likes all cake and currys too but prefers cakes with any type of fruit in the type of fruit makes no difference

How do you cook Celia's favorite food in Harvest Moon DS?

Celia's favorite food is Cake. You make it by cooking Flour, Butter, Egg, and a Fruit in the Oven.

Where do you buy a cake on harvest moon?

cake can't be bought in harvest moon, you need a kitchen and a oven in order to cook it. the following ingredients needed for it were: egg, flour, butter, and a fruit. if you want a chocolate cake, you'll need :egg, flour, butter, and chocolate To make a butter, you need a milk and a mixer while the chocolate and flour are bought in the supermarket.

What ingredients do yo need to make cake on harvest moon DS?

Butter,egg,a fruit or chocolate (you can't have both) and flour.You can make butter in the mixer by putting milk in it and you need to cook the cake in the oven.You buy the oven of harvest sprite channel 2.

How do you bake a cake on harvest moon ds?

you have to have an oven,butter,eggs,flour and one fruit or chocolate (she likes chocolate) and then bake

How do you make a cake on harvest moon a wonderful life?

You will need One egg, One milk, One flour, One Chocolate- For chocolate cake if you are making it. An oven.

What is the Harvest moon animal parade cake recipe?

Egg+wheat flour+milk+butter+ any of the following- spinach, pumpkin, Carrot, yam, orange, cheese, cocoa fruit.

On harvest moon DS how do you get your son to love you?

you give him things you want +9 FP Normal ItemsWild Grape, Grape, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Cooked ItemsOmelet Rice, Doughnut, Pancake, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Grape Juice, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Latte, Steam Bun, Steamed Cake, Fruit Sandwich, Ice Creamneed more help? go to --------------harvest moon helper oscar71298

Does a gift of passion fruit have a meaning?

It depends if it was given during the Harvest Moon