

On the color wheel green is a....?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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On the color wheel green is a secondary color. It is a mixture of two primary colors, yellow and blue.

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Green is a cool color

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Q: On the color wheel green is a....?
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What is the opposite of green on the color wheel?

The opposite of green on the color wheel is red. Green and red are complementary colors, meaning they are directly across from each other on the color wheel and create a high contrast when used together.

What are the color of color wheel?

The primary colors on the color wheel are red, blue, and yellow. The secondary colors are orange, green, and violet. Tertiary colors are made by mixing a primary and a secondary color.

What is the contrasting color to red on the color wheel?

That would be green.

What color is opposite to red on the color wheel?

the opposite colour to red on the colour wheel is in fact and truely green.

What color is yellow with green?

A yellower shade of green. Green will dominate this mixing and it doesn't make any new color, perse, just a different shade of green. Check out the color wheel at

What color wil be created by mixing 1 with 9 on the color wheel?

Mixing 1 part of a color with 9 parts of another on the color wheel will result in a lighter and less saturated version of the second color. The specific resulting color will depend on the initial colors being mixed.

Red is to green as orange is to?

Blue. Red and green are opposites on a color wheel, as are orange and blue. You can use a color wheel to help determine color combinations that go well together to please the eye.

What are the tertiary colors in the color wheel?

The tertiary colors in the color wheel are created by mixing a primary color with an adjacent secondary color. They include vermilion (red-orange), amber (yellow-orange), chartreuse (yellow-green), teal (blue-green), violet (blue-purple), and magenta (red-purple).

What are the colors on a color wheel?

The colors on a color wheel are Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple, Red-Purple, Blue-Purple, Blue-Green, Yellow-Green, Yellow-Orange, and Red-Orange!

What are the four main colors of color wheel?

red blue green yellow green

How many colors are in the color wheel?

There are about 16.6 million colors in the RGB wheel.

What is the opposite color from pink?

The opposite side of the color wheel from pink is a pale green.