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Q: On what body of water is the trail of tears state park?
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What major body of water did the Cherokees cross the trail of tears?

They took the Ohio River and the Mississippi River.Mississippi @ Missouri

What two major body of water did the Cherokees cross of the trail of tears?

They took the Ohio River and the Mississippi River.Mississippi @ Missouri

What body of water did the seminoles cross on the route to the Indian terretory?

The Seminoles were forced to cross both the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River.

What happened to Samuel cloud's mother?

She died on the Trail of Tears. Samuel Cloud woke up to her cold, dead body.

How tears are made?

Tears aren't just made out of water, they are made from tear film and a microscopically three-layered structure.

How does water exit the body?

Tears, breathing, urine, sweat, faeces.

Why do people have salty tears?

Water is moved from the body to the tears by creating an osmotic gradient to pull the water from the interstitial fluid. In that sense a tear (lacrimal) or sweat gland is like a small kidney in reverse. Blood pressure + osmotic pressure = tears or sweat.

Major body of water in state?

what are the major bodies of water are in this state

How do you lose salts from your body?

Salts are released from the body in water solution, by transpiration.

What happens when a human cries do they loose water from the body?

Yes. Whenever the body discharges any fluids from the body they lose water. This includes vomit, diarrhea, blood, tears, sweat, csf.... you get the idea.

Why do your tears taste like salt water?

Well... I think that tears are salty is when sometimes when you eat something that has salt in it, the tears will come out when you cry. That's what I think.

How do you get micro tears?

The body heals micro tears on its own. All you can do is rest and not lift any weights for at least 48 hours. Water also helps feed the muscles.