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Rumor has it the Lincoln Bible (The Bible on which Lincoln swore his oath) but there have been a number of last minute changes, so this could be or may already have been changed.

He did use an old Bible known as the Lincoln Bible.

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President Obama has always been sworn in on a Bible (Old and New Testament). In his first inaugural ceremony, he used the same bible used by Abraham Lincoln. But you may be thinking of the internet rumor about someone using the Koran-- but it was not Mr. Obama who did that. There is a congressman from Minnesota named Keith Ellison, and he uses the Koran when he is sworn in.

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He used the bible that Abe Lincoln used. He was the first president to use the bible since Lincoln did in 1861.

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An old Bible of former President Lincoln, who stopped slavery It was Aberham Lincolns Bible.

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He used two bibles-- one the bible used by Abraham Lincoln, and the other a bible used by Dr. Martin Luther King.

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Q: What Bible did Barack Obama use for his oath?
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Did Obama ask to use the Koran in state senate to swear in but was denied?

No, this claim is not true. There is no evidence to support the claim that Barack Obama requested to use the Quran for his swearing-in ceremony as a state senator and was denied. In fact, when Obama was sworn in as a U.S. senator in 2005 and as the 44th President of the United States in 2009, he used a Bible for both occasions.

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It is generally Quakers who use the word "Affirm." Barack Obama was not raised Quaker (most reports say that his grandparents, who raised him, were Methodists); in 2008, he took the oath of office the traditional way when he became president. He was sworn in using the Lincoln Bible.

Who is the owner of the bible that Barack Obama is going to use?

Abraham Lincoln

Was obama sworn in as president on the Koran or the Bible?

Barack Obama will be using the same bible Abraham Lincoln used when he was sworn in as President.

What Bible did Barack Obama use to be sworn into presidency?

He used the same bible that Lincoln used.

What bible will the president use when he becomes president?

Barack Obama will be sworn into office using Lincoln's bible.

Did Barack Obama use a Bible at his second Oath of office?

I assume you are referring to when Chief Justice Roberts read the oath incorrectly the first time, during the president's January 2009 inauguration. Just to be on the safe side, the oath was re-administered the next day; it was done in the Map Room at the White House, and no Bible was used, since it was not necessary. (The president had used a Bible the previous day, and the oath was considered valid, even if the wording was slightly out of order.)

Was Obama sworn in using a Qur'an?

In an attempt to smear Barack Obama it has been reported that he swore in on a Qur'an. This has been part of a larger attempt to demonize Obama among those who fear Muslims. The story is a complete fabrication. Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is the congressman who swore in on the Qur'an. Barack Obama is a Christian, and he took the Oath of Office on a Bible. During his presidential inauguration, he swore in on the Bible that Abraham Lincoln used for his first inauguration in 1861.

What is significant about the Bible that Obama will use?

President-elect Barack Obama will use the same Bible at his inauguration that Abraham Lincoln used for his swearing in. Obama will be the first president since Lincoln to use that Bible, part of the collection of the Library of Congress. You mean 'has used' not 'will use' since he was inagurated on 20th January, that's 7 days ago. The Bible was the one used by Abraham Lincoln.

What was Michelle Obama holding during inaugartaion?

She was holding the Lincoln Bible that her husband would use to swear his oath of office upon.

Did Barack Obama use the Quran when he was sworn into office?

No- that was a different member of Congress. Congressman Ellison was the individual that used the Quran. Obama is a Christian, who attends the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. He used the book of his faith, the Bible. Barack Obama was sworn into the Presidency on Abraham Lincoln's Bible. Because Chief Justice Roberts read some of the words of the oath incorrectly when swearing Obama in as president, the Chief Justice went to the White House the next day to have the president repeat the oath. There was no Bible at this second swearing-in.