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The flour is the same amount. The adjustment is in the leavening agent. In most things, you should be able to leave it out if you use self rising. If you look at most recipes, it takes 1 teaspoon of baking powder to 1 cup of flour. This varies somewhat, but it should get you close.

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You should use regular, all purpose flour. Self rising flour has leavener mixed in, so unless the receipe calls specifically for self rising, stick to good ole all purpose.

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Q: If a recipe calls for baking powder do you use plain flour or selfrising flour?
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If a recipe calls for baking mix, you can use a commercial pre-mixed baking product like Bisquick, or create your own by combining flour, baking powder, salt, and sometimes sugar. Just make sure the ratios match the recipe you are following.

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You can use self-rising flour in any recipe that also calls for baking powder. When you do use self-rising flour be sure to omit baking powder, salt and baking soda if in the recipe.

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Add a teaspoon of baking soda for each cup of sour milk.

How much baking powder should be added into one cup of high graded flour?

For what recipe? Don't do it unless the recipe calls for it because you could seriously mess up the baking chemistry.

Can you make oatmeal cookies using baking powder instead of baking soda?

Yes, but one should reduce the amount of salt in the recipe. When one does not have baking soda, it is best to use a cookie recipe that calls for baking powder, because the two ingredients are not identical.

What are some substitutions for baking soda?

Well if your recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of baking soda, you would need four teaspoons of baking powder to produce the same amount of lift.

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The original Nestlés Toll House cookies (chocolate chip cookies) recipe calls for baking soda, not baking powder. There is no substitute for baking soda or baking powder in a recipe. You have to have it.

Can you use baking powder in cookies if the recipe calls for baking soda?

Baking powder and baking soda both act as a leavening agent. They would do the same thing

Is their any other substitute of cream of tartar?

If you do not have cream of tartar, baking powder will work just as well, or better. If the recipe calls for both cream of tartar and baking soda, leave out the soda if you use baking powder - it already has soda in it.