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Q: One byte is the equivalent of how much text?
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How much data is on 1 byte of ram?

One byte of RAM can hold up to one byte of data. This is equivalent to one 8-bit (ASCII) character, such as a keyboard letter, number, or symbol.

How many text messages can be stored in one byte?

The size of a byte is typically hardware dependent, but the modern standard is eight bits. 8 bits can store 255 different values and this is enough to store one keyboard character. Therefore one byte can store one character of a text message.

Why does the letter A take up one byte?

A byte is the smallest unit of storage. Mostly anything you do can take up a byte.

How much is byte convert to bits?

8 bits in one byte

How much information can be stored in 1 byte of an IBM PC compatible?

One byte of information is … one byte … regardless of where it is stored.

How much memory is required to store a 'character' and how much is required to store a 'string'?

a character/byte as defined in the C programming language is one byte (8 bits). A string can be as short as one byte and can be as long as the physical memory limits can contain it.

What is bits process?

In computers, a bit is a single digit of binary code. It is also one eighth (1/8) of a byte. This is because there are eight binary digits to make any letter of the alphabet, making one byte one single letter of text.

How many MB on a text message is one minutes?

It isn't clear how you would measure a text message in minutes. Normally, text messages have a length in characters - each character is probably 1 or 2 bytes. A byte, of course, is one millionth of a MB.

One character of data is stored as one?


How bits are in a byte?

Eight bits are in one byte

How much is in one byte?

8 bits (Bit is short for binary digit.)

How big is 80gb?

80 GB is equivalent to 80000000000 bytes; this is from the conversion: one gigabyte is equivalent to 1000000000 bytes. 80 GB is very big comparing its equivalent in the byte form.