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Q: One of the first breakthroughs in biotechnology was the discovery of the gene that makes insulin. What was the first step of this processOne of the first breakthroughs in biotechnology was the discove?
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Who discove red Italy?

well I can't discover it because it has a bad spelling error

Who was the first to discove the Pacific Ocean?

Vasco Núñez de Balboa who crossed the Isthmus of Panama in 1513 and saw the Pacific Ocean.

List the following events in the correct order in which they took place. Jefferson makes the Louisiana Purchase. The US offers to buy New Orleans from France. Lewis and Clark lead the Corps of Discove?

1. President Thomas Jefferson makes the Louisiana Purchase (1803)2. Lewis and Clark lead the Corps of Discovery (1804)3. Haiti wins its independence from France (1805)

How did newton discove the laws of motion?

he discover by.......... when he was sitting under an apple tree,he saw that apple had fallen down by the gravitational force by this he came to know that extra force(gravitational force)had pushed the apple down

Which development most aided explorers in their ability to sail the oceans to discover the New World during the Age of Discove?

It's not map making skills cause they weren't trying to get there in the first place. They didn't even know it was there.

How do you set proper idle ignition timing on 1995 Honda Accord 4-cylinder?

I am currently attempting to carry out the same procedures. The Honda workshop manual available online is very very good.. I recommend studying that. Look for manual as a P.D.F If you have trouble finding it let me know. Equpiment Required: Timing Light and Tachometer. I bought a Draper 'Inductive' type Timing Light which is not that expensive and works very well..(Approx 25 Dollars or Euros) and realising It looks like I need a Tachometer to accurately observe and set Idle speed, I bought a Draper digital analyser meter which among other features such as DC Volts, Amps, and Ohm meter incorporates a Tacho. Now the two aspects are intimately linked and I will be exploring for a while setting in turn each aspect.. I was wondering if I set Idle then timing then re check Idle will there be a change ?? So I intend to repeat process until happy both are correct. Setting and solving erratic idle is taking time and study. Fast Idle Valve and IAC valve on the Fuel intake housing along with correct coolant operation and hose integrity (i.e no blockages) all affect this. I was glad to discove disconecting a 2 Pin connector and withdrawing a 7.5 fuse, a backup fuse under hood re sets the control module... So as you can see you wil be having pleasure of learning more and more about your engine. P.s I signed up as quantumshell half way through compiling answer..

How does The Westing Game end?

In "The Westing Game," it is revealed that Turtle Wexler is the true heir to Samuel W. Westing's fortune. The heirs discover that the game was a final test set up by Westing to choose his rightful successor, and they all receive monetary rewards for their participation. Turtle emerges as the winner and inherits the Westing fortune, while also solving the mystery of Westing's apparent death.

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