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There are many reasons. Territorial, food .

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Q: One of your hamsters just started attacking the other one seems like for no reason why is that?
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there is no reason to abuse a dog, unless if its attacking you and you have to hurt it, other than that there is no reason.

Do hamsters get along with each other?

You can't get Syrian Hamsters to like each other. DO NOT attempt it. Syrian Hamsters are solitary animals and are most likely to attack each other when together. Some Dwarf Hamsters may socialise with each other but it is vital you check with the pet shop/ breeder before hand. Or ask your vet. Socialising two animals who are not supposed to be socialised may result in one hamster attacking the other and even killing it. Hope that helps!

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My hamster is only 6 weeks old but she has started to bleed from the nose for no apparent reason what is wrong?

Her nose may be bleeding because of weather changes. Have you ever checked if it was changing from hot to cold where you keep your hamster? I have 2 male dwarfs and the nose of one of my hamsters used to bleed because the other one scratched him there. Do you have another hamster in the same cage? If you do, they might be attacking. If you still can't find out why, I would show your hamster to a vet. Hope this helps!

Why when you put fluff in your hamsters cage one of the females started to attack the other female hamster?

they are fighting over it . the one female does not want the other one to get it

What will you do when your 2 goldfish are attacking each other?

bassicly the one that started the attack you need to put it in another tank for a few days

Is it normal for hamsters to constantly eat their cagemates?

Hamsters can be very aggressive towards other hamsters. It is very common. If your hamster is displaying this behavior, it is best for it (and any other potential victims) to separate it from all other hamsters.

Can teddybear and blackbear hamsters live in the same cage?

Well, hamsters really should not be put in a cage with other hamsters as they fight with each other

Do hamsters help other hamsters babies?

Usually the mother of the hamsters wouldn't let them near their babies...

Do female hamsters hump other female hamsters?

Yes, hamsters get pregnant through sexual reproduction.

Can hamsters visit other hamsters for a few hours?

Um.... yea

What do you do if your hamsters are atacking each other on hamsters life 2?

if that is a game you are dumb