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there and their, for and four, where and wear,

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Q: One word for words with same meaning but different spelling like dipatch and despatch?
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What is a word that has same meaning but is different in spelling examples

Is Poppie the correct spelling or is it poopy?

"Poppie" is the correct spelling. "Poopy" is a different word with a different meaning.

What is the defininition for homophone?

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What are words that have same spelling but different meaning?

about heteronyms

What are the different types of homophones?

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings, origins, or spellings. Common types of homophones include homographs (same spelling, different meaning), homonyms (same spelling and pronunciation, different meaning), and heterographs (different spelling, same pronunciation).

Favourite vs Favorite?

Same meaning just different spelling. Favorite is American spelling, favourite is British spelling

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Two words with same spelling but different meaning?

One example is "bat." It can refer to a flying mammal or a piece of sports equipment used in baseball.

How do you spell differences?

That is the correct spelling of "differences" (variations, changes).

Is there a homophone for ceiling?

No, there is no homophone for "ceiling." A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and spelling. There is no word that sounds like "ceiling" but has a different meaning and spelling.

Is mountain a homophone?

No, mountain is not a homophone. A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning or spelling. Mountain does not have a word that sounds exactly the same but has a different meaning or spelling.