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Not aware of being pregnant, if it were the case, I was also wondering if being on the Birth Control pill and didn't stop using it, as well as a Green tea weight-smart pill (one-a-day for adults only) could of caused this, if so?

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Q: Only having some light spotting last month and then this month having a huge period with a lot of blood clots and also had some yellow-white sticky discharge before period -Could this be a miscarriage?
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What color discharge do you get before your period?

Your discharge would be white before menstruation.You may also experience spotting so see brown or pink discharge.

What does spotting mean before your period in your 15?

Spotting is just when there are small amounts of blood in your discharge. If this is just before your period then it is likely just the start of your period.

What if spotting came before your period does that mean that you might be pregnant?

Spotting is pretty much like what it sounds like, its a very light bleed it can happen for many reasons, it could be the implantation, the start of a miscarriage, a rupture in the placenta, plus ther are many other reason's for spotting sometimes just no reason.If it happens right before your period then yes you are probably pregnant.Because if it is the starting of a miscarriage... well, when your pregnant you don't get your period and when theres a miscarriage then theres no more baby so miscarriage before period could mean your pregnant cause its backwards than when your pregnant your pregnant you get your period your not pregnant!so the backwards way is no baby then period so then pregnant. so theres your answer POOPING DURING SPOTTING MEANS YOU MIGHT BE CONSTAPATED WHEN YOUR DONE YOUR SPOTTING. SO IF YOUR SPOTTING AND YOU TAKE A POOP JUST TO LET YOU KNOW ITS NOT NORMAL GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Can you misscarrage at 4weeks?

Spotting during pregnancy can occur about the time you would usually have a period. However, with a miscarriage there is more active bleeding and tissue is passed with abdominal cramping. Just spotting does not indicate a miscarriage.

When a brown vaginal discharge comes out does that mean that i still have my period?

Brown vaginal discharge can be related to your period, it's known as spotting and caused when blood mixes with discharge and takes time to leave the body (thus going brown). It can occur just before or after your period, light periods may be only light spotting like this, or brown discharge can be an indication of bleeding for other reasons like hormonal imbalance or ovulation spotting.

Red Spotting mixed with white creamy cm 3 days before period?

Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching.

If you have pinkish red discharge after wiping but just had period 4 days before?

That is called spotting. Women often spot the day before or a few days after their period.

Is it normal to get brown discharge 4 days before period in virgins?

Yes, it is completely normal to get brown discharge for four days before your period, this is spotting which is just light bleeding as your period starts. A virgin is absolutely no different to a non-virgin.

What does it means when you discharge and blood comes down at the same time one week before your period?

If you're bleeding that likely is your period, maybe spotting if it is light. You always have discharge, including during menstruation, and you will bleed on your period.

If you are 7 weeks' pregnant with a urinary infection why would you have a little bit of bloody discharge?

First of all, you need to make sure you got to the doctors asap, because a urinary tract infection can be hazourdous to the baby. The bleeding would also worry me. I am now 9 weeks pregnant and I have had a miscarriage before and it was what I thought was "spotting", but it was indeed a miscarriage. So the BEST thing for you to do would be to go to the doctors and get both of them checked out just to rest assure the baby is ok.

Is it possible to test positive when spotting?

Yes. Your hormones fluctuate quite a bit during and after a miscarriage. It can sometimes take up to a month before your levels go back to normal, so it is possible to have a positive result on a pregnancy test whether there is spotting or not.

What would spotting pinkish brownish discharge 2 weeks before and for a few days off and on before your period mean?

It's totally normal. It's just dried blood from your last period.