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Waldo Mayer

Lvl 13
2y ago
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13y ago

Nah you dont say you go and die in a hole they are classified as animals are you that dumb to not know that i think you are

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15y ago

I believe exoskeletons and/or jointed appendages

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10y ago

Insects are generally characterized by their appearance. They are classified according to their exoskeleton and the number of legs and body segments that they have.

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14y ago

by their mouthparts

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Q: Organisms are classified as insects based on their what?
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What did Linnaeus classified organisms based on similarities on their?

Linnaeus classified organisms based on their morphological similarity.

What percentage of the world organisms are classified in each group?

Insects make up the greatest percentage of the worlds organisms that are classified in each group. With 84 percent of the worlds organisms still to be defined insects are. Under classification "Species" is the group most commonly used.

Is classification the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities?

Organisms are classified based on their various similarities, and also based upon their relationship to other organisms.

How are organisms classified into domain and kingdom?

Organisms are classified into domains based on their cellular structure and composition. The three main domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Within the Eukarya domain, organisms are further classified into kingdoms based on shared characteristics such as cell type, nutrition, and reproduction methods.

How are organisms classified based on evolutionary relationships?

By the discipline called cladistics.

How did Aristotle group organisms such as birds bats and insects?

Aristotle classified the animals he studied by 2 ways: Biology Zoology

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Who was the father of taxonomy and how did he classify living organisms?

The father of taxonomy is Carl Linnaeus. He classified living organisms based on their physical and structural similarities, organizing them into a hierarchical system of categories such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This system is known as binomial nomenclature.

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based on the genetic make up (genome) all the organisms including eukaryote are classified.

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How are organisms sorted?

Organisms are classified based on their shared characteristics into a hierarchical system called taxonomy. Taxonomy classifies organisms into different groups such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This system helps organize and categorize the vast diversity of life on Earth.