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Answer 1

Christians may convert to Islam, or Muslims to Christianity, because they believe that their new religion is the true path to God. Others may convert to Buddhism because they respect the ethical values and path of Buddhism. Conquered people tend to convert to the religion of their conquerors, even when there is no compulsion to do so. In other cases, they are persecuted until they do convert to the dominant religion. Uneducated people can be converted by force of personality or the belief that those they look up to are probably right about these things. Nelson Mandela, in his autobiography (The Long Walk to Freedom), tells how he became a Christian because by doing so he would be able to attend school.

Answer 2

Some people convert because they feel threatened or afraid that if they do not convert, they will suffer in this world. Some people convert because there are economic, political, or social advantages to being part of a certain religious group. Some others have an epiphany or life-changing moment where they "discover" that a different religion is the right one for them and their ethics. Some others are captivated by technological wonders that adherents of foreign religions have.

And finally, some people debate and deliberate over which religion best suits how they see the world and choose to go with that one.

Answer 3

(Continuing from Answer 2) And some people, after thought and prayer, realize that the religion they were taught and had not thought about before, was not what they believed. Each person should investigate the teachings of the religion they were taught to see if they truly believe it.

Are human bodies that have been dead for centuries even thousands of years going to be reassembled from the molecules that have dispersed during composition and float into the sky? Not possible, but that is a belief that is taught by some Christian sects.

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Q: Other than marriage why do people convert from one religion to another?
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Why do some people convert from one religion to another?

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religious conversion is the adoption of new religion that differs from the convert's previous religion. changing from one denomination to another within the same religion e.g. (Christian baptist to methodist, Muslim Shia to Sunni, etc) is usually described as reaffiliation rather than conversion.

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