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If the vine is originating on her side of the fence, it would seem that the repairs would be her responsibility. (If you really want to be a good neighbor, you can offer to help.) She may feel that it is originating from your side of the fence, or that you are gaining the most benefit from the vine, and therefore you should fix the fence. You should talk with her and evaluate the vine to make sure. If there is still a dispute, talk to someone at your city offices or consult with a lawyer who specializes in property law. If you know any attorneys, ask for a recommendation. Some attorneys will be happy to answer simple questions for free, and it helps if you know someone they do. Hopefully your problem can be resolved peacefully without a trip to court.

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Q: Our neighbor has a huge vine hanging on the good neighbor fence it's pulling the fence down and wants us to fix it. Do we have to make repairs when her vine is pulling it down?
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