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most parents hate their daughters boyfriends cause they just don't want their little gurl to grow up or they think the guys a creep.

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Q: Parents dislike daughters boyfriend
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It depends on the ex boyfriend and the girl. Many young men dislike their girlfriend constantly flirting; being moody; not getting along with his group of friends; arguments constantly or cheating on him.

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It's normal for teenagers to dislike their parents and to disobey them, at least some of the time.

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Talk to your mom about the noise factor. You can't ask her to leave the boyfriend if you dislike him, but if they're going at it, she can be respectfully quiet.

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sex is messy a lot of relationships ends due of sex so talk to your boyfriend about your likes dislike get to know him first before engaging to anything

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Her land was left to the Romans and her daughters after her husband died, the Will wasnt honoured and the land was taken by the Romans, boudicca was flogged and her daughters brutally raped. Reason enough I think to dislike the Romans.

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Tell your boyfriend that you don't like his friends and explain why you don't like them. Ask him to check his friends for what they are doing that you don't like. Be ready to compromise so that he can still have a relationship with his friends and one with you, or you may be the one to lose out.

You are a 16 year old female dating a 19 year old male your parents dislike your boyfriend and are threating to get him arested Is that possible and what is the law exactly How old can you date?

There are no laws about dating. If there is any sexual contact, there can be problems. The age of consent varies from state to state. In most places 16 and 19 is not a problem. But your parents can determine who you can see until you are an adult.

Would you have a problem with your boyfriend adding a lot of random pretty girls on MySpace?

Who wouldn't but if you dislike it then tell him that. Your feelings matter i a healthy relationship.