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Q: Part of the brain that controls digesting food?
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Why do you have large intestines?

its part of the proces of digesting food

What part of a plant digests food?

Non-carnivorous plants photosynthesize, rather than digesting food, for their energy.

Are nutrients released when digesting Food?

Yes. That is the reason for eating and digesting food.

What is the purpose of the ileum in the body?

The Ileum is part of the small intestine which absorbs nutrients from digesting food.

What part of the brain assists the digestive system by moving food through the digestive tract?

The brain controls many hormonal and muscular processes of the digestive system. The digestive system, in turn, provides the brain with nutrients needed for its functions.

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What triggers salivation?

The medulla of the brain controls salivation due to a trigger such as the thought of eating food.

What is the organ that controls all the other organs?

The endocrine system controls other organs. The pituitary gland in the brain controls growth, blood pressure, pain relief, water retention, metabolism of food, temperature regulation, and sex organ functions. Another gland in the brain that is part of the same system is the pineal gland. It regulates melatonin and sleep. The thyroid gland is in your throat and controls metabolism by stimulating oxygen in the blood, protein synthesis and bone contruction. Other endocrine glands are the parathyroid, ovaries, testes, pancreas, and adrenal glands.

What basic food group is amylase capable of digesting?

The basic food group that amylase capable of digesting is protein, and the lipase is lipids The basic food group that amylase capable of digesting is protein, and the lipase is lipids

Label the steps in digesting food?

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What part of the brain controls swallowing?

Swallowing is controlled by the brainstem, specifically the medulla oblongata. This region coordinates movements of the muscles involved in swallowing to ensure that food and liquids are safely transported from the mouth to the esophagus.