

Best Answer

They speed up tasks such as digesting

food, absorbing nutrients, and maintaining and repairing tissue.

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Q: What 3 things does an enzymes do?
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What are 3 things stored in vacuoles?

Water, metabolic wastes, and enzymes

What two things cause enzymes to malfunction?

Enzymes can be denatured by heat or acidity

Can living things survive with out enzymes?


What are the 3 things that can affect the enzymes and how?

Temperature, presence of acid, presence of base as all three can cause denaturation of enzyme.

What 3 organs are enzymes present?

what are the 3 organs that contribute enzymes and chemicals into the small intestine

Do metal coins have enzymes?

No. Enzymes are biological and thus are related to living things; metals are not biological.

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What does ammonia do to things?

Ammonia will denature enzymes.

Do enzymes always break things apart or do they ever put things together?

Enzymes can only BREAK DOWN things. Whether its food, chemicals, etc. The point of enzymses are TO break things down.

How do enzymes affect the reaction in living things?

Enzymes act as catalysts. They speed up the reaction time.

What do enzymes do in living things?

Enzymes act as biological catalysts, speeding up various bodily reactions.

What to enzymes do?

Enzymes attach to things called substrates to help speed up the reaction. Only certain enzymes match the shape of certain substrates.