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Q: Pathogen that causes disease in animals by forming a protein clump?
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Diseases caused by pathogens are called?

N/aA pathogen by definition is a disease causing organism

What does it means to be a pathogenic organism?

a pathogen is any thing (usualy a bacteria, virus, or protein based) that can cause a disease

What is the pathogen that causes Mad Cow Disease?

A prion, or misfolded protein caused by genetic mutation.

What does harmless pathogen do?

A harmless pathogen can be injected into your body so that the bodies defence system will learn to recognise the antigens (harmful protein located on surface of pathogen) and to fight it easily the next time having remembered the antibodies it had to produce. and sorry if this is a little confusing.

How does a DNA vaccine prevent future disease?

A DNA vaccine contains DNA from a pathogen but cannot cause disease. When the vaccine is injected into a patient, the DNA directs the synthesis of a protein. Antibodies are produced by the body against the protein. If the patient contracts the disease in the future, the antibodies in his or her body will be able to provide protection.

How does being injected with a inactive form of pathogen make you immune to the disease?

The inactive form of the pathogen still has the antigens (protein markers) specific to that pathogen on their surface. Antibodies locate the pathogen and create the correct form of antibody to combat it. As it is inactive the person does not suffer the effects of this pathogen, but when an active form is encountered later the immune system is quicker to respond due to the fact that it now recognises those antigens.

What is the protein that destroys pathogen?


Can Animals get Celiac Disease?

Yes, cats and dogs with celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten, a protein present in wheat, barley and rye.

What are protein domains in protein functions?

Forming tendons

What inflammatory response slows the growth of pathogen by denaturing its protein?


Which pathogen is a packet of RNA or DNA with a protein coat?

That would be a virus.

Which of the following is a pathogen that is made of nucleic acid surrounded by protein?
