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Q: People's scores on the general intelligence factors are most highly correlated with their ability to solve problems?
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Is fluid or crystallized intelligence the ability to solve new and unusual problems?

Fluid intelligence is the ability to solve new and unusual problems. It involves reasoning, recognizing patterns, and applying logic in unfamiliar situations. Crystallized intelligence, on the other hand, represents knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education.

What is meant by crystallized intelligence?

Crystallized intelligence is the capacity to think logically and solve problems in hard situations. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use skills and experience.

What does it mean when people are intelligent?

Intelligence refers to general mental ability. There are specific mental abilities such as the ability to compose music, which are thought to be related to intelligence, but are not exactly what is meant by intelligence. Intelligence is an ability to understand complicated situations and problems, and to make use of large amounts of information to find patterns and solutions. It can be tricky to measure intelligence, because a person's educational background is as much or more of an influence on that person's ability to answer intellectual questions, as is their intelligence.

How do you describe one person's intelligence?

Intelligence can be described as the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge to solve problems effectively and adapt to new situations. It often involves critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to reason and make sound decisions. Intelligence can manifest in various forms, such as academic, emotional, social, or practical intelligence.

Why maths in not an indicator of IQ?

Intelligence includes many different mental abilities; the ability to do math problems is just one of them.

Can reading increase one's fluid intelligence?

No. Extra knowledge will accrue but ur ability to solve problems (fluid intelligence) will not change. If u want to increase ur fluid intelligence play the dual n back game.

Is talent the same as intelligence?

Talent is something that is natural, that you're a born with. Intelligence is something you learn. You may have a talent for a certain subject, which makes you intelligent in that topic, *but intelligence is a learned trait, talent is an inherited trait.*

According to sternberg what ability is most heavily focused on problem analysis?

According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, the ability most heavily focused on problem analysis is analytical intelligence. This involves the ability to analyze, evaluate, and critique information in order to solve problems or make decisions.

If a modern primate evolved a human level intelligence how would you know as it would have no eduction?

Intelligence is mostly the ability to solve problems. I think we would know if a primate had human level intelligence. After all, we had intelligence before formal education came along and formal eduction is not the only kind of education.

Ability to think abstractly?


What is the difference between competence and intelligence?

Competence is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

What is an intelligence?

An Intelligence Agent is something that can act upon a surrounding environment. They could use learning and knowledge to help achieve goals, and are often described as something somewhat similar to a computer programme.