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Q: People who own dogs live 3 years longer than people who don't?
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Are old dogs smarter than new dogs?

yes same with people the longer your on earth the more you know

Is the age of dogs more with people years or dog years?

more of human years

What temperature do dogs like to be in?

It depends on their coat type, but dogs generally like to be in the same temperature as people. Dogs with longer coats like to be in cooler temperaters.

Do people own dogs or do dogs own people?

People own the dogs because they do not control us while we control them.

How are dogs different from people in age?

A lot of people say 7 years for a human each dog year. But actually it's 10 years for each dog year for the dogs first two years, then 5 human years for each of the following.

What would happen if there were no more guide dogs?

There would be a lot of blind people no longer able to live independently. They would have to rely on other people.

How can dogs help people?

Dogs can help humans in several ways. Dogs can help blind people, disabled people, and dogs can be companions to people.

Why do people walk their dogs?

people walk there dogs because the can and there dogs have to use the bathroom but for some people, they walk their dogs to check out other people lol

What is People and dogs by Joan Miro about?

It is about dogs and people.

One dogs birthday is how many people years?

seven count in dog years and one year in human years

Are there more people that like dogs then who don't?

there is more people who like dogs than people who don't like dogs

Why do dogs lick people?

dogs lick people to get to know someone and dogs lick people when their happy.