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Q: Pepsin lost it function in alkaline pH?
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How can you destroy pepsin in stomach?

Make the conditions of the stomach alkaline so that the pH is not conducive to the functioning of pepsin

At what pH is the rate of enzyme activity the highest?

Pepsin secreted in the stomach, works at highly acidic pH and the pH could be as low as 2. The optimal pH for pepsin is thus near about 2. This pH is maintained by HCl secreted by the gastric glands in the stomach.

What digestive enzyme does not function in high pH?


Why does pepsin not function well at a pH of 7?

Enzimes are sensitive to pH and function best across a narrow range of pH.

If pepsin and trypsin had to function together what pH would produce the highest activity?

It will function at about around the pH of 2.5.

How pepsin inactivated?

Pepsin is a digestive enzyme found in our digestive system for protein degradation.Pepsin can be irreversibly denatured at alkaline pH (pH 8.5 - 11) at room temperature. It can also be denatured by boiling at above 81 degree Celsius. The degraded form of protein is catalytically dead afterwards.

Which enzyme functions best in a pH environment most similar to that of human stomach enzyme?

Pepsin. It is located in the stomach. Pepsin helps with the breakdown of food and is a protein. A pH 2 is optimal for the human enzyme pepsin. If the pH level exceeds 7, pepsin becomes denatured or lose its structure; above pH 5,, it will increase function.

Can pepsin and trypsin function in the same environment-?

no they can not because they at completely different pH levels.

Why does the enzyme pepsin present in the stomach denature in the intestine?

Pepsin has a optimum pH of 2, as found within the stomach. In the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, the pH rises to 7.6. This relatively high pH damages the tertiary structure of the pepsin enzyme causing it to denature.

All enzymes function optimally at pH equals 7.4 . true or false?

Enzymes have an individual optimum pH, such as pepsin has a very low optimum pH

Does pepsin affect pH?

Pepsin doesn't affect the pH but it is active in an acidic environment.

What is the pH for pepsin?

Pepsin is a type of protease that works mainly in the stomach. As a result, its optimum pH is around 2. The high acidity is provided by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.