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physical change

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Q: Physical properties such as size and magnetism can be used to?
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magnify glass
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What are the magical properties that people used to attach to lodestones?

Magnetism, people believed it was magical because they had no understanding of the forces of magnetism.

What are the different physical and chemical of matter?

Chemical Properties Taste, Smell, Reactivity, Solubility. Physical Properties: Color, Texture, Mass Density, Touch ,Size, Smell, Volume

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Extensive (dependent on the size) and intensive (independent on the size) are terms used generally for physical properties.

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Some physical properties used to describe matter are density, weight, temperature size and color

What properties are used to describe matter?

Chemical Properties Physical Properties Etc.

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Are antioxidants used as food preservatives in margarine chemical properties or physical properties?

The antioxidants that are used in food preservatives in margarine are physical properties. A physical property is any measurable property the value of which describes a physical system's state.

What is used to describe the physical properties of matter?

physical quantity

What is electrophoresis used for?

used to separate macromolecules, either nucleic acids or proteins, on the basis of size, electric charge, and other physical properties. Separating strands of DNA

How do the physical properties of the parts of a pencil affect how the pencil is used?

The physical properties of carbon vary widely with the allotropic form.

How do physical properties of the parts a of a pencil affect how the pencil is used?

The physical properties of carbon vary widely with the allotropic form.

What are 4 of the principal physical properties used to identify a mineral?

Crystal habitColourStreakHardnessCleavageLusterare some of the principal physical properties used to identify minerals.