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Products containing benzoyl peroxide are made for pimples. The active ingredients will dry up the pimple, causing it to disappear. Keep your ears clean with an astringent to reduce the oil buildup.

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Q: Pimple inside ear benzol peroxide
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What happens if you put peroxide in your ear and it still hurts?

It is not recommended to use peroxide in the ear because if it became trapped inside the ear, it could cause harm to the tissue inside the ear. Some home remedies would have warm water mixed with a small amount of peroxide mixed into it. But even then it is risky. The best medicine is to see your family doctor.

How do you make an ear cleaner?

Warm Hydrogen Peroxide applied with a dropper will soften ear wax and cleanse inside ear canal. Peroxide should be just warmer than body temp. no more the 102 F.

What is it that your ear is bleeding inside?

damaged ear drum, need special drops go to the doctor to get script

Why does peroxide fizz when you put it in your ear?

Nearly every cell in the body produces and enzyme called catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas, forming bubbles. This enzyme can even be found inside the ear.

Is it dangerous to put alcohol in your ear to disinfect it?

No, it is not dangerous. Placing rubbing alcohol inside the ear has been a tested remedy for removing water in the ear after swimming. Hydrogen peroxide works better at cleaning out the ear.

Can you use peroxide in drops to clean ear canal?

yes, it is safe to use peroxide. but in my opinion i wouldn't use it if you have an ear infection.

What to use on a pierced ear infection?

Hydrogen peroxide can be helpful.

Can you Clean ear piercing with peroxide?

No you cannot because there are some scientific methods and it can burn your ear cells

What does it means when you have a bump on your ear?

The bump inside of your earring hole is usually an indication that you have dirt, lint, debris or etc, inside of your hole. It should be painless which indicates that it is not infected. You just need to clean your earrings and ears with peroxide or alcohol and stick your earrings in your ear in the reverse, it should push the debris out.

Is it safe to remove ear wax with hydrogen peroxide.?

Yes, because hydrogen peroxide is used to soften impacted cerumen in the ears.

How often should you put alcohal in your ear?

no alcohol just use peroxide