


Updated: 1/20/2022
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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
2y ago

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Rapid stretching and contracting of muscles. Ex) squat jump, repeat squat jump.

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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: Plyometrics
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Related questions

Are there any really good plyometrics workout videos available?

Yes, there are several companies that have released great plyometrics workout videos. You can even find some great plyometrics workout videos on Youtube.

Which sports plyometrics is related too?

Plyometrics applies to any sport that wishes to add speed and power to a movement.

Why would one recommend a plyometrics workout?

One would recommend a plyometrics workout if you were training for a sport and trying to increase your joint flexibility and strength. Plyometrics causes your muscles to contract faster helping increase elasticity and strength.

Does plyometrics improve your long jump?


Is plyometrics good for playing football?


Can plyometrics help a person maintain cardiorespiratory fitness?

Yes, plyometrics can help a person maintain cardiorespiratory fitness. Plyometrics is a form of jump training. It consists of exercises that exert a lot of force in a short period of time. It looks to increase speed and power, thus, why it would be a good form of cardiorespiratory fitness.

How great is a plyometrics workout?

Plyometrics workouts focus on the lower body and work towards speed and strength improvements. This workout added to your regular workout will add a new dimension to your training.

A good resistance training technique for developing explosive strength is?


Is punchbag training plyometric?

NO, plyometrics is "jump training" which is jumping the whole time. Plyometrics relates to any activity that requires speed and strength, as it improves your ability to run faster, jump higher, and move in multidirectional sports.

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What are plyos?

It's "plyos". Plyometrics. Skipping rope, push-ups. Strenuous stuff.

What sport would an ectomorph be suitable for?

Long Distance sports, or sports involving plyometrics.