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Trees will never run out in Queensland chopping down trees at a thousand a day when theres 1.23 million of them if we started the first day we settled in Australia we wouldn't of cut them down yet


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12y ago

There are a few, if small, ways in which humans have helped the rain forest such as: people developing a form of charcoal to make the soil more fertile and tribes in the forest also have population density control where you can only have a certain amount of children.

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Humans cut the trees down and burn them. After modern humans have moved in, where there was jungle, no trees are left.

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Q: Positive impacts that humans have on the Amazon rainforest?
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Positive things on a human impacts in the rainforest?

One positive of humans impacting the rainforest is the discovery of new compounds and plants. Medicine has been greatly impacted by these discoveries.

What have humans done to affect the amazon rainforest?

THey cut down trees

Is the Amazon rainforest completely explored?

No way! There are many parts of the Amazon that have never been seen by humans.

What are some positive impacts on the savanna from humans?

Correct AnswerI don't know

What are the positive and negative impacts of science and technology on human society?

There are many positive and negative impacts of science and technology on humans. Some things have helped people, while others have hurt people.

Can you have you have information for positive influence on rainforest?

a positive effect that humans would have on the rainforest, would be as simple as joining a group such as WWF. They are a government group that support the rainforest and discourage the deforestation of it. Many people have joined or suppoerted projects such as WWF to help save the Amazon rainforest, the animals in it, and their habitat. Many more people donate money to protect an acre of rainforest from being cut down or tampered with. The leaders of there organizations either already hold a spot in office, or protest to the government about saving the forest for everyone.

What human activities are destroying the amazon rainforest?

Humans! us! we are killing the rainforest's! for, firewood, clearing to build housing, and businesses. WE ARE KILLING THE RAINFOREST'S!

How old is Amazon rain forest?

Current thinking has it that the Amazon Rainforest is about 55 million years old. However, recently-uncovered evidence suggests that it was planted, then cultivated, by humans

How does the rainforest impact humans?

The rainforest impacts us because it takes in all the nasty carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. The rainforests around the world are slowing down global warming and if they go we'll all die.

What negative impacts does pollen have on humans?

Normally all impacts are indirect but positive, as the means by which plants propagate; but it can affect individuals as an allergen giving the condition of irritated nose and eyes we call "hay fever".

What do humans do to the rainforest?

They clear trees in the rainforest

What are the endemic species of Amazon rainforest?

golden lion tamarin, Hyacinth macaw, poison dart frogs, jaguars, and toucans.