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Q: Power and legitimacy existing together in a state is defined as?
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What Power and legitimacy are the elements that make up what?

Power refers to the ability to influence others' behaviors and decisions. Legitimacy is the belief that an individual or organization has the right to exercise power due to societal norms or authority structures. Together, power and legitimacy help to establish and maintain social order and the functioning of institutions.

What power and legitimacy are the elements that make up?

Power refers to the ability to influence others and achieve desired outcomes, while legitimacy is the belief that the exercise of power is appropriate and rightful. Together, power and legitimacy are critical elements of authority and governance, as they determine the acceptance and effectiveness of the decision-making processes and actions of individuals, organizations, or governments. A balance between power and legitimacy is necessary for maintaining stability and trust in societies.

Where does the US government derive its legitimacy and power?

The US government derives it power and legitimacy from its people; our government system is works around the idea of democracy so the government gets its power from the governed.

When someone who holds power has the right to rule?


How are sovereignty legitimacy and authority related in political science?

In political science, sovereignty refers to the supreme power and the ability to govern independently within a defined territory. Legitimacy refers to the justified right to rule, often based on the consent of the governed. Authority is the rightful power to make decisions and enforce laws. These concepts are interrelated because a government's legitimacy is derived from its ability to exercise sovereignty within its territory, and authority is the practical manifestation of that legitimacy.

What two elements make up authority?

Power and legitimacy

What political principle was followed at the Congress of Vienna?

Legitimacy. balance of power

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The power of the government is defined by the?

the power of the government is defined by the

Power and legitimacy are the elements that make up?


What is the legal right to power?

The legal right to power refers to the authority and legitimacy granted to individuals or entities to exercise control and make decisions on behalf of a group or society within the boundaries of the law. This right is often conferred through legal systems, constitutions, and democratic processes, and is subject to checks and balances to prevent abuse of power.

What are the concepts of legitimacy and authority?

Legitimacy refers to the perception or recognition that an individual or institution has the right to govern or make decisions. Authority is the actual power or ability to enforce decisions or actions. Legitimacy provides the moral and ethical foundation for authority to be accepted by others.