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The principle of Dominance.

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Q: Principle states that one factor in a pair may prevent the other factor in the pair from being expressed?
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The principle that states that one factor may mask the effect of another factor is the principle of?

Law of Dominance

What is monetary principle?

The monetary unit principle states that people can only record business transactions that can be expressed in terms of a currency. This principle is generally accepted among people.

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what is the principle of limiting factor in decision making. The principle of the limiting factor states that by recognising and overcoming those factors that stand critically in the way of a goal, the best alternative course of action can be selected.

Which principle of government is expressed in the 10th amendment?

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. If the Constitution does not give the US government the power to do something it is passed on the the States or to the people. The principle would be passing the buck. So lets face it the buck did not stop with Truman. He wished it did, but it passed on to the States and the people.

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Constitution states that these powers are federal governments?

The Constitution states that expressed powers are the federal governments.

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The three principle states of matter are solid,liquid,gas

Which principle states that you all undergo stress in three stages?

GAS principle

What governmental principle of the United states is based on Montesquieu's concerns?

the governmental principle of the united states is separation of powers

What principle established by the 3 branches of government?

Separation of powers is a political doctrine originating from the United States Constitution, according to which the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States government are kept distinct in order to prevent abuse of power.

What principle states that we all undergo stress in three stages shock compensation and exhaustion?

The GAS Principle, stands for General Adaptation Syndrome

Which ISSA principle states that you all undergo stress in three stages?

the GAS principle