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Q: Print 4.1.7 Journal Debating Popular Sovereignty Journal U.S. History Sem 1 (S3584129) Trayton Woody Points possible 20 Date Pre-writing 1. Fill out the T-chart to help you weigh the pros and cons of?
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Why were the colonists divided over the fight for independence?

It's possible that some felt the idea of sovereignty was more important than anything else and decided to fight for that idea.

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Sounds like to me he's either debating on which one to keep and then which one to use for the time being, I would disregard him and his behavior and leave him as soon as possible, this isn't right and not healthy second of all. You shouldn't have to deal with a fool such as him.

Will President Trump build the wall?

It is possible, yes. Even if the actual effectiveness to prevent illegal immigration or drug trafficking is questionable at best, the current administration persists in its construction. What is not going to happen is forcing Mexico to pay for it: it is a matter of national sovereignty.

Which law made the expansion of slavery in western states possible?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 allowed for popular sovereignty (letting settlers in a territory decide the slavery issue) in the western territories, which led to increased tensions and the expansion of slavery in those areas.

If you had a dream that there were two Gods playing chess one was telling you good stuff the other one bad was one of them the Devil disguised as God?

AnswerThis was just a dream, and dreams do not have meanings other than as a window into our subconscious monds. If you are a fairly religious young person, it is possible that your subconscious is 'debating' the roles that it sees for God and the Devil. If so, at least in your subconscious mind, one was the Devil.

Start of the Falkland war?

Territorial disputes, Argentina claim sovereignty over the islands however a separate cause was an attempt to divert attention from an economic crisis by uniting the people behind a war, the Argentina military believed that the UK would not respond to an attack on the islands so a quick conquest would be possible.

What is supranationalism?

European Supranationalism is a method of decision-making in multi-national political communities, wherein power is transferred to an authority broader than governments of member states. Because decisions in some supranational structures are taken by majority votes, it is possible for a member-state in those unions to be forced by the other member-states to implement a decision. Unlike in a federal supra-state, member states retain nominal sovereignty, although some sovereignty is shared with, or ceded to, the supranational body. Full sovereignty can be reclaimed by withdrawing from the supranational arrangements. A supranational authority, by definition, can have some independence from member state governments, although not as much independence as with federal governments. Supranational institutions, like federal governments, imply the possibility of pursuing agendas in ways that the delegating states did not initially envision.

What six months of the year does Spain and France each own the condominium of Pheasant Island?

You can read more, below. Pheasant Island, apparently, is a condominium in the land-property sense of the word. In all the simple research, it's not possible to discover which six months of the year each country maintains sovereignty. For example: "...joint sovereignty of Spain and France, and so administered by Irún (inGuipúzcoa, Spain) and Hendaye (in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France), which are in charge of the island during alternating periods of six months." and: "...The island is called Isla de los Faisanes in Spanish, Île des Faisans, Île de l'hôpital or Île de la Conférence in French and Konpantzia in Basque." Given its prominence as a ceremonial site, however, for its smooth operation, the joint sovereignty should be mostly invisible to visitors.

What is European supranationalism?

European Supranationalism is a method of decision-making in multi-national political communities, wherein power is transferred to an authority broader than governments of member states. Because decisions in some supranational structures are taken by majority votes, it is possible for a member-state in those unions to be forced by the other member-states to implement a decision. Unlike in a federal supra-state, member states retain nominal sovereignty, although some sovereignty is shared with, or ceded to, the supranational body. Full sovereignty can be reclaimed by withdrawing from the supranational arrangements. A supranational authority, by definition, can have some independence from member state governments, although not as much independence as with federal governments. Supranational institutions, like federal governments, imply the possibility of pursuing agendas in ways that the delegating states did not initially envision.

What is popular sovereignty and how does it apply to the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

'Popular Sovereignty' was the vote-winning phrase dreamed-up by Stephen Douglas of Illinois, in his attempt to resolve the issue of possible slavery in the new Western states, when it became clear that the Compromise of 1850 was not going to work. He said that the people of each new state should vote on whether it should be slave or free. This sounded reasonable enough (to some), but he underestimated the danger of allowing one state to vote at a time. It meant that that one state would beocme a magnet for every terrorist in America. That was how they got 'Bleeding Kansas'.

How is ths possible?

How is what possible? How is what possible?