

Best Answer



num DWORD ?

fact DWORD 1

str1 DB "Enter a number to Calculate Factorial: ",0

str2 DB "The Factorial is: ",0


main PROC

call clrscr

mov edx,OFFSET str1

call WriteString

call ReadDec

mov num,eax

mov ecx,num

L1 :

mov eax,ecx

mov ebx,fact

mul ebx

mov fact,ebx


mov edx,OFFSET str2

call WriteString

mov eax,fact

call WriteDec


main ENDP

END main

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Q: Program in assembly language for factorial of a given number?
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First of all we will define what factorial is and how to it is calculated.Factional is non negative integer. Notation would be n! It is calculated by multiplying all integers from 1 to n;For example:5! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 120.Note: 0! = 1Small C program that illustrates how factorial might be counted:#include int factorial(int num);int main() {int num;printf("Enter number: ");scanf("%d", &num);printf("Factorial: %d\n", factorial(num));return 0;}int factorial(int num) {if (num == 0) {return 1;}return num * factorial(num - 1);}Testing:Enter number: 5Factorial: 120Enter number: 0Factorial: 1

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#include#includeint a,f,n,sum=0; printf("Enter any number"); scanf("%d",&n); f=1; for(a=1;a<=n;a ); { f=f*a; } for(f=1;f<=n;f ); { sum=sum f; } printf("sumation of factorial numbers :",sum); getch(); }

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