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Q: Prokaryotes can transfer pieces of genetic material in a process called?
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Two bacterial cells temporarily join and transfer genetic material?

Yes, this process process is called bacterial conjugation.

What is inserting specific genetic material into the genetic material of another organism called?

Gene transfer, this type of process is mostly covered in the topic of genetic engineering

What process do prokaryotes exchange genetic information?

Prokaryotes have additional ways to evolve their genomes besides relying on relatively infrequent mutations. Through genetic recombination, individual prokaryotic cells can share DNA with other individual cells, not necessarily belonging to the same species.They can also exchange genetic material by transformation, transduction, and conjugation.In conjugation, plasmid DNA is transferred from cell to cell using something called a sex pilus. In transformation cells pick up DNA from their environment. Lastly, transduction is the transfer of genetic material from one cell to another using a virus.

What process is called when a organism is changed from the genetic material from another organism?

The process is called nuclear transfer and the resulting product is a GMO, (Genetically modified organism)

Where is the genetic and reproductive material found in the cell?

The genetic material of the cell is found in the nucleus. This material (DNA) can reproduce inside the cell by a process known as replication.

When scientist transfer genes from one organism to the other it is called?

Horizontal and vertical gene transfers are the terms to account for the transfer of genes between organisms. Horizontal (HGT) or (LGT) transfer happens when non-traditional reproduction effectuates the transfer whereas vertical transfer (VGT) occurs when asexual or sexual reproduction effectuates the genetic movement from parents to offspring.

Paramecium can exchange genetic material through this process?


Where does the transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA take place?

The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA takes place in the Nucleus during the process of Transcription.

What transfer genetic message from the nucleus to the ribosomes?

ATPmRNA transfers the genetic message. Process involved is called transcription

What is the genetic material and replication process of the human astrovirus?

well you know .....

What happens to the genetic material from each parent before sexual reproduction can occur?

each parent must reduce his/her genetic material by half in a process called meiosis.

Chromosomes exchange genetic information through the process of what?

Chromosomes exchange genetic information during a process called crossing over. This occurs during meiosis