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These are antibodies, produced by lympocytes. A lympocyte is one of the two types of white blood cells, the other being phagocytes. When a pathogen (harmful disease) enters the body, the lympocythes detect foreign antigents on the surface and quickly produce antibodies. The attach to the antibodies and then a phagocyte can see the antigen quicker and comes along, englulfs them both so the body does not get infected. The lympocytes have memory cells so they can remeber the shape of the antibody so next time the same phagocyte comes it produces the anibodies quicker and you are immune and will ot get infected.

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Q: Proteins that attach to antigens to keep them from harming the body?
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What is the difference between antibodies and antitoxins?

Antibodies attach to antigens preventing them from attacking cells in the body. Antitoxins attack antigens and destroy them

Antibodies are produced in the body and attach themselves to antigen?

Yes that is true, and they only attach to a non-self antigen, that is, an antigen not produced in the body. and they only attach to certain antigens

Why antigens are made up of proteins?

They are made of proteins because the body has coded for them in that form. Usually genes code for proteins. This just the way the body works. Perhaps your question would have more information to ask for?

Are antigens produced by white blood cells and attack substances that may be harmful to the body?

Antigens are foreign proteins that your immune system can recognize as being harmful to your body, so it produces antibodies that memorize the antigen protein so it can launch an immune response if it ever again invades your body.

Antibodies are produced when the body is exposed to?

soluble antigens whch entrs our body

Serological testing is based on the fact that antibodies react specifically with an anigen all bacteria have the same antigens or the human body makes antibodies against bacteria?

AnswerThe human body makes specific antibodies to specific antigens (ex. proteins on a bacterial membrane) that it encounters. Bacteria do not all have the same antigens.* antibodies react specifically with an antigen

How do antigens protect the body from diseases?

Antigens do not protect the body from disease. Antibodies protect the body from many diseases.

How does the body react when antibiotics kill M. leprae?

When antibiotics kill M. leprae, antigens (the proteins on the surface of the organism that initiate the body's immune system response) are released from the dying bacteria.

Substances or organisms that are foreign to the body?

Antigens is the term for molecules that are foreign to the body.

What is the difference between antibodies and antigens?

Antigen is a substance that can induce the generation of antibodies, any substance that can induce immune response. Antibody is a protective protein produced by the body in response to an antigen.

What is a common type of protein consumed?

All the proteins in the food is consumed. Once it enters the body it has to be digested to amino acids and not the proteins in the food directly go and attach in human cells.

What types of antigens are recognized by B cells?

Processed fragments of protein antigens displayed on surfaces of body cells.