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Let's say we're talking about red flowers (red=dominant, R allele) vs white flowers (white=recessive, r allele)

If you cross two homozygous red flowers, RR x RR, you can only get RR offspring, or all red flowers. RR=genotype (what alleles, or genes, they have), red=phenotype (what they look like)

To make the Punnett square, draw a 4-box diagram on a piece of paper by drawing a diagonal line and then a horizontal line halfway down so you get 4 squares. On the top of the box, put R R and along the left side, put R and then another R under it. To fill in the boxes for the Punnett square, cross the top left-hand gene (R) with the top gene on the left-hand side. You'll get RR. Do the same for the top right-hand gene (R) and the top gene on the side. You'll also get RR. Cross the bottom R with the left gene on the top (R) and the right gene on the top. All combinations will be RR in this example.

If you had a red flower that had a homozygous genotype (RR) with a white flower, also homozygous (rr), the results are more interesting. When you draw your Punnett square, you'll see that you get one RR combination, two Rr combinations and one rr combination.

This means that the F1 generation (offspring) will be:

25% homozygous red (RR)

50% heterozygous red (Rr)

25% homozygous white (rr)

Put another way, you'll have one white flower and three red flowers, and two of those red flowers carry a gene for white which is not expressed because it is recessive.

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Q: Punnett square to predict offspring blood type?
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What does a punnet square predict?

Punnett squares can be used to predict the genotype (genetic makeup)- and thus the phenotype (observable/testable trait)- of offspring, given the genetic makeup of the parents. For example, if a woman who has heterozygous A blood (AO) has children with a man who has blood type O (OO), a Punnett square will allow you to predict that half of the children will have blood type O and the other children will have blood type A. However, this only works for traits that are strictly dominant/recessive and determined by one pair of genes, like Mendel's pea color or human ABO blood types. Traits such as hair/eye color, sensitivity to taste, and many others are polygenic (determined by many genes) and cannot be easily determined from the parents.

Can a daughter be blood type AB when her father is blood type O and her mother is B?

yes, do a punnett square.

If someone cross a purebred mother with type B blood and a father with type AB blood what are the possible blood type outcomes of their offspring?

Based on Punnett squares, the possible outcomes are A, B and AB.

Who created virgin?

You can find out your blood type by asking your parents what their blood types are and working out a Punnett Square, or you can simply go to a doctor.

What allele is represented by capital letters?

In a Punnett square, a capital letter denotes the dominant allele and a lowercase letter denotes the recessive allele.

What if a man has blood type O what blood type will the child have if in case the mother do not know her blood type?

One cannot predict the blood type of the offspring unless the blood types of both parents are known. Blood group O is not common is a population. There is a possibility of this allele being repressed in the presence of a more dominant blood group allele. Once the blood groups of both parents are known, one an look at all the possibilities that the offspring can have and make an accurate prediction.

Can A plus and B- make 0- blood?

you need to make a punnett square. you know that the first person has A+ blood, so their side of the punnett square is either A+ A+, A+ O-, A- O+, A+ O+ you know the second person has either B- B- or B- O- then you put them into punnett squares: in order to have type O blood, you must have 2 o's so we will only look at the possible O combinations. Also to have negative, you must have no positive Rh in the blood, so we only need to look at the pairs that contain an O- A+ O- B- AB+ BO- O- AO+ OO- OO- can really be written as O- because the dominant antigen takes over and they are the same, so, A+ and B- blood can make O- blood, but only under certain conditions. So, YES!

Can a 0- and a a- make a a?

you need to make a punnett square. you know that the first person has A+ blood, so their side of the punnett square is either A+ A+, A+ O-, A- O+, A+ O+ you know the second person has either B- B- or B- O- then you put them into punnett squares: in order to have type O blood, you must have 2 o's so we will only look at the possible O combinations. Also to have negative, you must have no positive Rh in the blood, so we only need to look at the pairs that contain an O- A+ O- B- AB+ BO- O- AO+ OO- OO- can really be written as O- because the dominant antigen takes over and they are the same, so, A+ and B- blood can make O- blood, but only under certain conditions. So, YES!

What blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has type A blood and the father has B blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

Can two o blood types have an o blood type offspring?

100% of the offspring of type O parents will be type O.

What blood type (or types) can be found in an offspring if a mother has A blood and the father has type B blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

What blood type can be found in an offspring if mother has type A blood and the father has type b blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.