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Q: Pygmalion refers to which main character in G B Shaw's play by the same name?
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Yes, "protagonist" is a noun. It refers to the main character in a literary work or story.

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If you mean the original ancient Greek Pygmalion: he was a sculptor who fell in love with one of his own sculptures (one of a beautiful young woman). Should you mean the main character of the play Pygmalion, later turned into the famous musical My Fair Lady: that was Henry Higgins, a professor of Phonetics.

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In Greek tragedy, hamartia refers to the protagonist's biggest flaw. It is the one sin or error that is in the main character or hero's personality that leads to their own downfall.

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A character study typically refers to a film where the primary focus is on the evolution of one particular character's personality, usually the main character. A popular example of the use of character study in a film was the evolution of the character of Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver (played by Robert DeNiro.)

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Yes!there is a main character,The main character is Mario and he is nintendos mascot

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No, a minor character does not "restrict" the main character. However, a minor character is of lesser importance than that of the main character.

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Kane simply refers to the main character's last name. His name is Charles Foster Kane.

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