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Yes, there was a real Dracula, and he was a true prince of darkness. He was the Prince Vlad III Dracula, also known as Vlad Tepes, meaning "Vlad the Impaler." The Turks called him Kaziglu Bey, or "the Impaler Prince." He was the prince of Walachia, Romania and defended also Hungary from the attacking Turks.


The term Dracula traces its origins to Romanian language.

Drăculea is the original 'nickname' of Vlad Ţepeş ('Vlad ZZepesh', where 'ZZ' sounds exactly like in 'piZZa'), a Romanian ruler that reigned in Transilvania (Eng. Transylvania) in the years 1448, 1455-1462, 1476. Several centuries later, Bram Stoker was born, fell in love with the character and decided to dedicate him an evergreen fictional book with the principal character reshaped as Dracula. Fantasy by history. That is.

More: Vlad Ţepeş's father (nicknamed Dracul) was a respected member of The Order of the Dragon with the duty to protect the South Eastern European gate in front of invading Turks. He encouraged his son by nicknaming him 'Drăculea' (Ro. 'son of Dracul').

His language: old Romanian (as seen in the centenary national monasteries).Is_it_Dracula_or_Draculea

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14y ago

Dracula's real name is Vlad Tepes. He was born in Sighisoara, Transylvania in Romania.

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Vlad the Impaler's real name was Vlad Tepes and later on Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia.

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11y ago

The real Dracula was a Walachian prince named Vlad III Draculea (later Dracula; also called Vlad Tepes).

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6y ago

Dracula was invented as a character is a book of fiction written by Bram Stoker in 1897. Thus there was never a "real parson" of Dracula.

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