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Yes, it's possible.

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Q: Reason bleeding during pregnancy for 6days a 1'12 clot now brownish ultrasound showed a sac still there 5wks 1 day blood test taken waiting results is it possible embryo grows healthy?
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At what point in a woman's pregnancy does she normally get an ultrasound?

Most pregnant women get an ultrasound at the second trimester of pregnancy where the young fetus is most visible but it is possible to get an early ultrasound in case there may be any complications in early pregnancy.

Im spotting like brownish and light red while on the depo shot could it be implantation bleeding?

Yes, it could be possible. Mine was bright red at first, but the next few days it turned to brownish-red light spotting. You should take a pregnancy test.

Is it possible that during the pregnancy that gestational is not appear in ultrasound?

Yes, it is possible for gestational diabetes to not appear on an ultrasound during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is typically diagnosed through blood tests that measure blood glucose levels. Ultrasound is primarily used during pregnancy to monitor the growth and development of the baby.

I had period and seven days after your Dr say Im pregnancy?

Its possible to have bleeding during pregnancy that You mistake for your period

If a women is bleeding and you have taken a pregnancy test is it possible she is still pregnant?

She may have had a miscarriage

Is it possible to have a normal pregnancy if you have bleeding without clots and have to positive pregnancy test?

Yes definately. lots of people have bleeding during pregnancy. I even had small clots this time around and it turned out to be nothing. They never found a cause.

Is it possible to bleed during first month of pregnancy?

Yes it is very possible to bleed during early pregnancy. This kind of bleeding is usually spotting or very light and is referred to a early pregnancy bleeding. But all pregnancy bleeding that is red in colour does need to be investigated by your doctor to make sure the foetus is viable and doing ok.

I had 2 positive pregnancy tests and 1 negative and no signs of pregnancy on the ultrasound?

Interesting.. I've had the same thing happen to me (minus the ultrasound...) in getting several false positives. However, mine were due to having cysts on my ovaries- which are known for affecting the result of home pregnancy tests. If you're still uncertain, I'd try taking a blood test; it is possible that if you are indeed pregnant, the pregnancy is too young to be shown in an ultrasound.

Why are you bleeding during pregnancy?

bleeding during pregnancy maybe an indication of a medical emmergency.please consult your doctor as fast as possible sometimes bleeding may amount to physical stress in which bedrest is advised possibilities may even be an ectopic pregnancy in which bleeding can go upto 2 litres which pregnant woman may go into serious complications in any case if any bleeding consult your doctor immediately

Is it possible you were pregnant but had a miscarriage?

I asked this question. I'm 18 and have a feeling I am/was pregnant. I started bleeding dark red/brownish blood and last night some tissue looking stuff passed out of me. I have no idea what's going on. If I am/was pregnant, it would only be like 3 or 4 weeks into the pregnancy.

3 weeks after embryo transfer with a positive pregnancy test but no sac on ultrasound.Is this possible or is it too early to do an ultrasound?

You wouldn't normally see a sac on ultrasound until about 5 weeks. Sounds normal.

Is it possible to pass blood clots during pregnancy and not miscarry?

Yes, it is possible. I had a sub chorionic bleed that caused cramping and bleeding, including passing clots, for about 3 weeks. My doctor monitored me with ultrasounds to confirm the pregnancy was viable and that I was not at risk of serious bleeding. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and have not had any bleeding for approximately 2 weeks.