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To prevent infections.

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Q: Reason for good personal hygiene and grooming healthy reasons?
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Why is personal hygiene important?

Person hygiene is important because it can help you keep yourself healthy. For example when you wash your hands your washing off germs that could harm you. Secondm taking a shower; taking a shower not only makes you smell good, but it also cleans out your pores! So persnol hygiene is important for alot of reasons.

Reasons for maintaining personal hygiene of an individual?

Personal comfort, interaction with other people, disease, mental out look, being dirty can cause depression. general health.

Why should we wear clothes?

For reasons of hygiene and personal freshness. Also, no one wants to be near a scruffy looking person who also smells!

Why should we wear clean clothes?

For reasons of hygiene and personal freshness. Also, no one wants to be near a scruffy looking person who also smells!

Is there any point in grooming a horse or does it depend on the season?

There are several reasons to groom your horse aside from the obvious one - to clean it! Horses can enjoy the massage - it is very relaxing for the majority of them. A good grooming after a ride can be a treat for your horse. Grooming also benefits a horse because it helps to distribute the oils in the skin and keeps the coat healthy and helps improve circulation.

How do high standards of personal hygiene affect individuals?

Hygiene is more than just being clean. It is defined as the many practices that help people be and stay healthy. Practicing good personal hygiene is smart for two reasons. First, it helps prevent people from catching and spreading illness and disease. Second, it helps people feel good about themselves and their bodies. In American society, cleanliness is an important issue; poor hygiene is seen as unacceptable and unhealthy. Good hygiene includes thoroughly and regularly washing one's body (especially hands), washing one's hair, brushing and flossing teeth, and caring for gums. These grooming habits will reduce the threat of bacteria that constantly reside on the body. While a certain amount of bacteria are harmless, and even beneficial, to the body, a build-up of bacteria can harm a person's health. As children grow older, their bodies go through a number of changes. While good hygiene is important for everyone at any age, it can require greater care at the onset of puberty. When puberty arrives (usually between the ages of eight and sixteen), it means the body is becoming sexually mature. Hormones, certain chemicals made by one's body, produce both physical and emotional changes. It is the physical changes that require greater attention when it comes to hygiene. For a young girl or boy, this means taking more time and care cleaning one's body, especially the sexual organs, dealing with acne, bad breath, and a stronger body odor, as well as doing more to prevent cavities and gum disease.

Why you need to be well groomed?

A person needs to be well-groomed for several reasons: 1. Being well-groomed makes you feel great. 2. Others will interact with you in a more pleasing way. 3. If you're seeking a job or looking for a mate, looking well-groomed will make a difference. 4. Personal grooming--including good hygiene, is an excellent way to stay in good health.

Why you need to be well-groomed?

A person needs to be well-groomed for several reasons: 1. Being well-groomed makes you feel great. 2. Others will interact with you in a more pleasing way. 3. If you're seeking a job or looking for a mate, looking well-groomed will make a difference. 4. Personal grooming--including good hygiene, is an excellent way to stay in good health.

Why is grooming important to an ant?

because the ants have to stay clean for surtent reasons.

What are the reasons for grooming horses?

to clean them, prepare for tacking, bond, check for injuries

Were would prisoners allowed to keep any personal items?

In some prisons, prisoners are allowed to keep personal items such as photos, letters, and certain hygiene products in their cells. However, restrictions are often placed on the types and quantities of personal items allowed for safety and security reasons.

What are the ainchient Egyptian grooming habits?

Ancient Egyptians placed a strong emphasis on personal grooming. They frequently bathed in the Nile River using a mixture of natron and oil to clean their bodies. Egyptians also valued beauty and used cosmetics such as eye makeup and scented oils. They shaved their heads and wore wigs or elaborate headdresses as a fashion statement.