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Q: Recycling one soda bottle will save enough energy to run a television for how long?
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What is the difference between energy deficit and energy surplus?

Surplus energy is an excess amount and deficit is not enough energy

What forms come off a frozen drink bottle when it is placed on the bench?

My opinion on this question, is that gases may come off the bottle, maybe even liquids, if the bottle is frozen enough, solids may drop off it as well.

How many hours of TV per day should the average person watch?

The average person should watch 30 to 60 minutes a day. An hour is enough for four fifteen minute episodes, and enough for two thirty minute episodes. Isn't that enough? Actually scientists say that its fine if you want to watch 2 hours a day as long as that is the maximum and it isn't every day but technically if you can avoid watching TV all together you should not watch any.

Why when the air is sucked out a bottle it collapses?

When an empty plastic bottle is left open to the atmosphere the air pressure outside and inside the bottle are in equilibrium (does not always mean they are equal, but in this case they are equal). This means that whatever force exerted by the atmosphere on the outside of the bottle is balanced by a force from the inside of the bottle. When one sucks the air out of the bottle one removes the source of pressure and forces within the bottle. The pressure differential between air outside and inside bottle is enough to cause the bottle to collapse.Note that this will not happen so easily with glass bottles because even when one tries to suck all the air out of them, they also experience a tendency to collapse, but their structure is strong enough to withstand the pressure differences.

Why do water droplets form outside the bottle?

Condensation - The surface of the bottle and the air just above it will be cool enough to allow condensation of the water vapor in the air onto the bottle's surface.

Related questions

Recycling just one aluminium can save enough energy to run a television for how long?

12 hours

How much energy is saved by recycling a pop can?

The energy saved by recycling one aluminum can is the equivalent to running a TV for four hours.

Can recycling one alumimum can save enough electricity to run a TV for about four hours?

Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough electricity to run a TV for about four hours.

How does recycling cans compare with making them new?

Cans, steel and aluminum, are 100% recyclable.Making one new can out of aluminum ore takes TWENTY TIMES the energy that it does to make one new can using recycled cans.Every time you recycle ONE aluminum can, you save enough energy to run a TV for three hours!

Does recycling paper and glass use more energy than it saves?

PaperNo, recycling paper uses less energy (between 40% and 64% less) than if the paper was made from unrecycled wood pulp.Some calculations suggest that recycling one ton of newspaper saves enough electricity to heat and air-condition the average American house for 6 months.GlassNo, recycling glass uses about 40% less energy than making virgin glass from sand, lime and soda, as the furnaces don't need so much energy. Recycling two glass bottles saves enough energy to boil 5 cups of coffee.

Recycling 2 glass bottles saves enough energy to boil water for how many cups of tea?

5 cups of tea

Recycling just two glass bottles saves enough energy to boil water for how many cups of tea?


What direction does energy flow to the cool air inside the bottle?

There's not enough information to properly answer this question, but I would assume, if the air is inside a bottle of some sort, we're thinking of convection.

Is aluminum recycable?

Yes it can. Every recycled can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours.

Why are some schools not eco schools?

some schools are not eco-schools because they do not have enough economical things in them e.g. recycling systems or energy saving lamp, light sensors etc

What does staging mean in drama?

It means projecting enough vocal energy to be heard in the cheap seats at the back of the second balcony in the theater, as opposed to using a microphone for film or TV.

What are the advantages of recycling glass?

it helps the environment!! that's reason enough!