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It really did start with a rhesus monkey. There are four: O, A, B and AB. there is a factor, too. If you have it you are postive. If you don't you are negative. O is the most common and about 60% of people have it. About 30% have A. B is around 5% and the rarest, AB is about 2% O can donate to any other blood type depending upon the factor but can only give to itself. A can take O and B can, too. A can only give to A and B can only give to B. A person with the positive factor cannot give to someone with a negative factor and also the other way around. The rarest blood is AB negative and is found among the American Indians. there are also sub factors which usually occur as a result of having received blood. No blood factor is changed by donation of blood.

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11y ago

Rhesus bloodtype(RH) is commonly known as a genetic complexity in a bloodtype. It holds the same factors in health complications as that of bloodtype ABO. It is when the mother contains an allele (RH-) that is incompatible with a fetus' genotype or a fathers allele (RH+).

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10y ago

If you are Rh+ (Rhesus positive)it means that you have a protein factor (D antigen) on your red blood cells. To be Rh- (Rhesus negative) means that you do not carry this protein.

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Rhesus is a blood factor and a type of ape.

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Rh factor is also called "Rhesus factor" because it was first discovered in the blood.

How did the discovery of the rhesus affect society?

Rh factor is also called "Rhesus factor" because it was first discovered in the blood.

How did scientists come up with the name Rh factor?

The antigen was first discovered in the blood of Rhesus monkeys.

Can blood group O and blood group ab cause rhesus factor?

If person with O blood group receives blood of person with AB blood group it can cause rhesus factor but not other way round

How many blood types are there how blood type is inherited?

To the second question the answer, in short, is YES; To answer the first question, there are four logical blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Then there is the Rhesus factor: either positive or negative. So there are actually eight types of blood a human can have: one of the above types with a negative Rhesus factor or with a positive Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a factor which compares human blood to a Rhesus monkey's blood. A negative result means your blood is not comparable to a Rhesus monkey. Blood types are inherited from your parents. If one parent has type A+, and the other has a B-, your blood type can either come out as A, + or -, or B, + or -, or the rare AB, + or - but not O. While type O negative is the universal donor, type AB positive is a universal recipient.

Where did RH factor get its name?

The rh blood factor was first observed in Rhesus monkeys

What is the difference between negative and positive blood type A?

The Rhesus factor, also known as the Rh factor, is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells. People who have the Rhesus factor are considered to have a positive blood type. Those who don't have the antigen are considered to have a negative blood type.

What does the initials rh stand for in blood types?

Rh factor is named after the Rhesus monkey which was the source of testing. It refers to the plus or minus after one's blood type which determines compatibility.

What Rhesus factor is the universal recipient?

The universal recipient for blood would be AB+, including positive for the Rh (Rhesus) factor.

What Red blood cell antigen named after the rhesus monkey?

Rh Factor

How many human blood types are there summarize how blood types is inherited?

To the second question the answer, in short, is YES; To answer the first question, there are four logical blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Then there is the Rhesus factor: either positive or negative. So there are actually eight types of blood a human can have: one of the above types with a negative Rhesus factor or with a positive Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a factor which compares human blood to a Rhesus monkey's blood. A negative result means your blood is not comparable to a Rhesus monkey. Blood types are inherited from your parents. If one parent has type A+, and the other has a B-, your blood type can either come out as A, + or -, or B, + or -, or the rare AB, + or - but not O. While type O negative is the universal donor, type AB positive is a universal recipient.