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Yes i do agree that parents mould a students character ..... bcz they are the main carpets who show the way to lead ur lives successfully ...... they are just a role modles to us we just follow our parents and learn many good things from them .. sometimes we just interpret them this an another way to prove that parents are also one of the main pillars who make our lives successful and brighter .. They also teach them how to behave with others and how to respect ourselves and even elders and others . These of course shows our character and all the wonderful things or good things present in us .............

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Children are taking in information from the moment they are born, so pretty much most of what they learn, they learn by experience. The family is important because its the primary example of how people should be. Unfortunately this requires a little bit of inconvenience if you want to teach your kids right. They're a lot better at picking up subconscious clues than the ones you pretend to present. So if youre trying to get them to listen to you, you have to listen to them too.. and such.
Families are also important for socializing reasons. I noticed from personal experience that every single only-child that I know has issues with sharing and sometimes just getting along with other people. Its a good precursor to going out in the real world.

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Q: Role of parents in moulding a students character?
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