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The Torah is sometimes called the Pentateuch, a term which comes from a Latin root meaning five, because it is comprised of the Five Books of Moses.

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Q: Sacred book to the Jews called the Torah and the P?
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What text do jews use?

The jewish book of sacred texts is called the Torah

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Why are Jews called the people of the book?

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Is the holy book the Torah?

The Torah is the Holy Book of Judaism for Jews, yes.

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Qur'an or Koran ------> Islam Bible ------> Christians Torah ------> Jews

What is the sacrid book of judism called?

The sacred book of Judaism is called the Torah. It is composed of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

What book do Jews use to learn Judaism?

The Torah.

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No book of the Torah is called the book of the second covenant.

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Is the Torah the prophet for the Muslims?

No. the Torah is the book of laws and the holy book of the Jews. The prophet who revealed the Qur'an for Muslims is Muhammad.

What is the sacred rules of the Hebrews?

The rules are listed in a book called the Torah. There are 613 commandments that are collectively known as halakha (הלכה) which means "the way".

What book is considered holy by both Judaism and Islam?

The sacred text of Islam is the Quran Judaism has the Tanach {comprised of the Torah (Law), Prophets, Hagiographa (Writings)}. The only books they share are the Torah and the Psalms/Zabur and the Muslims and Jews disagree on what the Torah and Psalms/Zabur actually say.