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Q: Said that states could not pass laws that take away a citizens rights?
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The first ten amendments to the Constitution (also known as the Bill of Rights) states what?

Under the Articles of Confederation, only the national government could

Who said the whole constitution appears a perversion abuse of rights of particular states and of prvite citizens?

George Madison

Why did James Madison introduce the bills of rights?

James Madison introduced the Bill of Rights as a fulfilment of a pledge that he had might in the fight over ratification. He said that the constitution did not have ways to protect the rights of the citizens.

What rights did the African Americans gain?

There were civil rights acts that stated: -all people in the US (except Native Americans) are citizens and entitled to equal rights. - 15th amendment said blacks could vote. - slavery was ended, and could not happen again, slaves were already were free

What are rights of everyone living in the United States?

- Freedom of expression- Freedom of Speech- Freedom of Assembly- Freedom to petition the Government- Freedom of worship- The right to bear armsThomas Jefferson said " The best principles of our republic secure to all its citizens a perfect equality of rights " Millions of Immigrants have come to America to have these rights. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights give many of these rights to all people living in the United States. These rights include the freedom of expression, religion, of speech, and the right to bear arms. All people living in the United States also have many of the same duties as citizens, such as paying taxes and obeying the laws .

What did the southerners justified secession with the theory of?

They said the original Union was a collection of states that had joined it voluntarily, and were therefore equally free to quit.

Do the citizens have equal or not equal rights?

equal of course it only depends on what you believe. if your gay or straight and if you are white and if your male and if you are rich and if you can afford to have said rights It depends on what country you are asking. In the United States for example there are forced inequalities based on gender or "race" to make things "fair."

Did Jackson support states rights or the preservation of the union?

He said in his 2nd Inaugural address he had 2 domestic goals preservation of rights of the States & the integrity of the Union

The Northwest Ordinance said that any area with a population of at least 60000 could be?

The northwest ordiance said that any area with the population of at least 60 000 could apply for the admission as a state, with all rights of an existing states.

What did the supporters of the states rights doctrine promote?

States rights doctrine, which said that since the states had formed the national government, state power should be greater than federal power

Why is there a Bill of Rights added to the US Constitution?

Some states or people (like Virginia's Patrick Henry) thought that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual citizens' rights. So a Bill of Rights was added so more states would ratify the Constitution. With that said, James Madison set out to write the Bill of Rights. These were ten amendments that clearly gave the people a full range of rights and most of these were in various state constitutions. The Bill of Rights satisfied both the Federalists and the anti-Federalists.

According to the 9th amendment in the bill of rights if the constitution does not specifically grant a particular right to American citizens are the citizens denied that right?

No, well at this time now, (2009), the rights in the constitution apply to all amrican u.s citizens. Back when the constitution was written women or black didn't have any rights at all no matter what any one said.