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Some states or people (like Virginia's Patrick Henry) thought that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual citizens' rights. So a Bill of Rights was added so more states would ratify the Constitution. With that said, James Madison set out to write the Bill of Rights. These were ten amendments that clearly gave the people a full range of rights and most of these were in various state constitutions. The Bill of Rights satisfied both the Federalists and the anti-Federalists.

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Q: Why is there a Bill of Rights added to the US Constitution?
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Did Article 1 of the constitution come before or after the Bill of Rights?

The Constitution itself was ratified in 1787. The Bill of Rights, the 1st ten amendments to the Constitution, was added to the Constitution in 1789.

Why was The Bill of Rights added to the the US Constitution?

The US Bill of Rights was created to protect U.S. citizen's individual liberties.

What document of writing is the bill of rights found in?

It was attached to the US Constitution. VA and NY wanted Bill of Rights added to the Constitution for they could ratify it.

Why was US Bill of Rights created?

The bill of rights was created because it added the basic rights of citizens. That the constitution didnt have.

Is there a similar freedom or right protected in the us constitution and the bill of rights?

The bill of rights are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. There were added because the Constitution did not contain them explicitly.

What was added to the US constitution in 1791 to protect peoples rights?

In the US, the US Constitution sets the rules for protecting citizen rights. State constitutions do the same with regard to state laws and their effect on citizens. Individual local laws are designed to protect citizen rights as well.

What did the anti federalists push to be added into the constitution?

A Bill of Rights for US citizens. The Federalists argued that the Constitution did not contain language that took away any rights; they only enumerated powers of the government. They successfully lobbied to have the Bill of Rights added as separate amendments, ratified separately after the Constitution itself had been approved.

Does the US Constitution include the Bill of Rights?

A bill of rights was not included in the Constitution because most of those who wrote it did not think one was needed. What we now call the Bill of Rights was added as the first ten amendments to the constitution because the States would not ratify the Constitution without a promise that such a Bill would be added.

When the US Constitution was complete three delegates refused to sign it because it did not have?

Bill of Rights, so they added the Bill of Rights.

When did the Bill of Rights make effect?

The Bill of Rights which is part of the US Constitution came into being in 1791 when the US Constitution was ratified by the new American nation. Originally the Bill of Rights contained 10 amendments.

What is the bill of rights apart of in the us constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. They were added AFTER the ratification of the document by the first Congress.

How many amendments have been added to the US constitution during US history?

17 Amendments were added to the bill of rights