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Q: Scientists know that the moon does not have a magnetic field. This probably means that the moon does not have?
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Saturn Magnetic Field?

Yes, Saturn has a magnetic field that is produced by electric currents. I guess that also means it is going to be a real challenge for scientists to enter Saturn in the future.

What it means when you say a substance is magnetic?

It means it is capable of responding to a magnetic field.

Are conductors magnetic?

While not intrinsically magnetic necessarily, conducting current means a magnetic field is formed.

Rising into the air means what in the magnetic field?


What is a property of a magnetic field?

One property of a magnetic field is that its divergence is zero. That means that a magnetic field line is always a loop and that the net magnetic field coming out of or going in to an enclosed surface is always zero. The result of this is that there are no magnetic monopoles, at least none discovered. Theories, however, do abound.

What does electromagnetic waves means?

An electromagnetic wave, in its simplest description, is a wave that as it propagates keeps converting its magnetic field into an electric field while converting its electric field into a magnetic field.

How yo find the magnetic field of earth at a particular place?

Using a compass is the easiest way. The needle is going to point to the Magnetic North Pole. That means that the compass needle is ALIGNED with the Magnetic Field Lines of the Earth's magnetic field at your current position.

If magnetic lines are close what does this mean?

If magnetic lines are close, then the magnetic field has a lot of magnetic lines of force packed together. This translates into a large number of flux lines per unit of area through which they're passing. A large number of flux lines per unit area means a high field density. High flux density means the magnetic field is strong compared to a field where the flux lines are not as close together.

What is no flux condition?

Flux means the rate of change of magnetic field lines through a particular region in space. Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines drawn to demonstrate the magnetic field through a region in space. No flux condition means the magnetic field lines in the observed region in space is uniform throughout the experiment.

What best describes magnetic field lines?

Magnetic fields are produced because of moving electric charges, and visualizing the very complex mathematical relationships that fall under the magnetic field might become much easier if magnetic field lines were used. A higher density of field lines means a stronger magnetic field. Keep in mind that those lines do not actually exist; they are drawn only to visualize the strength of the magnetic field.

What do strength mean?

here strength means magnetic field strength

Is magnesium sulphide magnectic?

Yes it contains a substance with a high magnetic field around it. Thus means its magnetic