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Q: Scientists who study evolution at or below the species level are most likely?
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What did Lamarck have to do with evolution?

Lamarck believed that there was a form of evolution, but contrary to Darwin after him, he believed that the characteristics an organism acquires during his life are inherited by its descendants. For more on Lamarck's hypothesis, see the related question below.

Does migration affect evolution?

See related questions below for an answer.

Do any qualified scientists support the creation theory?

Prior to reading the answers below, it is perhaps important to note that there is no 'creation theory'. There are various religious creation myths, but no comprehensive and robust scientific model that has any explanatory or predictive power.Answer: Quite a few scientists support creation theory. This places them out of step with the mainstream scientists who believe in autobiogenesis, or a spontaneous origin of life, coupled with evolution. As Richard Dawkins put it "It is a monumental disagreement. One side or the other has got to be wrong, and not just slightly wrong but catastrophically, ignominiously, disastrously wrong."Prior to the 20th Century, most scientists believed in Creation.Today, there are numerous organizations of scientists who support creation theory: Answers in Genesis ; Creation Research, Science Education Foundation; Institute for Creation Research; The Creation SuperLibrary and others. Some publish peer-reviewed journals, such as the Creation Research Society's CRS Journal and the Journal of Creation by Creation Ministries International (The Australian arm of Answers in Genesis).Answer While it is true that many "scientists" disagree with evolution in favor of creationism, that number drops significantly when you consider only those who study nature or life, and is almost non-existent when you consider only those with expertise in fields like biology, paleontology, geology or astronomy - the above list may seem impressive, but it is out of well over a hundred thousand PhD scientists alive today. Now it's also important to note that many scientists believe in some sort of god or creator, but are not creationists. Creationism generally refers to strict 6-day creation fundamentalism or the movement to teach that there is a god in science classes in public schools. About 60% of scientists believe in a personal god, many believe this god created life indirectly, which can be considered a different sort of creationism. Meanwhile about 99.85% of earth and life scientists (those same scientists who mostly believe in a personal god) accept evolution as well.Answer Yes, quite a few actually. Many scientists and researchers have come to support the creation theory because as they study 'Creation -vs- Evolution' they have found that there are more 'holes' in the evolution theory than there are in 'Creation'.Both Creationism and Evolution start with presuppositions. Evolution starts with the presupposition that God, if He exists, played no part in the development of species, but that they developed by macro-evolution or chance mutations that resulted in benefit to the organisms; Creationism presumes that He created all species, and that there are minor adaptions which occur naturally, called micro-evolution.

Which organ system is the muscle cell below most likely a part of?

excretory system

How do evolution and microevolution differ?

Miroevolution is the change in allele frequency overtime in populations of organisms not leading to speciation; below the taxa level. Macroevolution is speciation. This terminology is not favored by many biologists because there is some implied difference in processes. That is to get from micro to macro. Actually evolution long enough is macro. So, many biologist prefer the terms. Evolution Speciation instead of micro and macro

Related questions

What do scientists mean when they say that species is the only natural rank in classification?

They mean that species are a fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a genus or subgenus and consisting of related organisms capable of interbreeding.

What is a species and how do they develop?

Species is a label that is attached to a group of reproductively linked, usually cohabitating organisms. New species emerge from existing species through a process called speciation, which is a result of evolution. For more information, see related questions below.

Is a parrot a relative of the dinosaur?

This has not been determined and, rightly or wrongly, whichever source one consults will subscribe to either the theory of evolution, or Creation, with differing answers. As WikiAnswers aims to represent any view that is well-argued, both schools of thought will be addressed in this answer. Currently, it is widely believed among the scientists who subscribe to the theory of evolution that birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs. Other scientists who follow the theory of evolution say evidence is becoming stronger to support the belief that dinosaurs are descendants of birds (see the related link below). Because evolution is a theory, there can be no definite answer. Either way, science tends to favour the belief that birds and dinosaurs probably shared a common ancestor. Creationists will say that parrots and dinosaurs are completely different species. Their reasons for arguing the difference are as numerous as the evolutionists' reasons for arguing in favour of the relationship; therefore, a related link has also been included below to present the opposing view.

What did Lamarck have to do with evolution?

Lamarck believed that there was a form of evolution, but contrary to Darwin after him, he believed that the characteristics an organism acquires during his life are inherited by its descendants. For more on Lamarck's hypothesis, see the related question below.

What is the most poisonous snake on the planet?

Every scientists will give you a different answer so I have given a link below to what one 'expert' says. I do feel he has omitted a few species from his list, however.

What is micro-evolution?

Microevolution is the change in allele frequencies brought about by mutation, genetic drift, gene flow, and natural selection below the species level. Over time, microevolution can translate into macroevolution, which is larger scale change above the species level.Microevolution is simply a change in gene frequency within a population. Evolution at this scale can be observed over short periods of time.

Does migration affect evolution?

See related questions below for an answer.

What includes species extinction or endangerment?

Species endangerment is when the population is reduced below a point where it is sustainable. When the species is below this point, it can be reduced to the point to extinction.

What scientists won the Nobel Prize?

Many scientists in more than 100 years. See the link below.

What are species of monkey?

See the link below; many species of monkeys are known.

How will scientists convert fusion to electricity?

See link below

What was Charles Darwin's Education?

While he was studying finches (small birds) in different islands, he noticed that although they were from the same species, they were different. He realised that over time species change and adapt to their environment. This is how he came up with the Theory of Evolution.