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Vitamin c. It was commonly a sailor's disease before they gave them Oranges to fix it, or it might have been apples.

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Q: Scurvey is caused due to deficiency of what?
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Where does scurvey originate?

Scurvy is the deficiency disease of vitamin C.

What are some types of deficiency diseases?

scurvey, pellagria, ricketts

Pellagra is caused due to deficiency of?

It is due to the deficiency of Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

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Marasmus disease is caused due to the deficiency of?

mainly Protein

What may be the Deficiency disease caused due to lack of nutrition in apple?

scurvy, from vitamin C deficiency

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night blindness is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin a

List of deficiency diseases and their symptoms?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia are examples of deficiency diseases due to vitamin deficiency. Scurvy is an example of vitamin C deficiency. Beriberi is an example of vitamin B one deficiency. (Both, wet beriberi and dry beriberi.) Pellagra is an example of Niacin deficiency. Anemia is caused by deficiency of vitamin B 12 and Folic acid. Burning feet syndrome is caused by the deficiency of Pantothenic acid. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of vitamin A. Kwashiorkor and marasmus are caused by deficiency of proteins and food, respectively. Poverty is caused by deficiency of kindness. Inequality is caused by deficiency of compassion.

Which disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin B 6?

It's simply referred to as 'pyridoxine deficiency' - since it's not an actual 'disease'

What deficiency diseases are caused due to lack of vitamin e?

The deficiency of vitamin E is very rare. But still it may cause haemolytic anaemia.

What is aneamia?

Anemia is a deficiency disease caused due to iron deficiency. The symptoms are: 1. Getting tired easily. 2. Losing appetite.3. Looking pale.

How was scurvey pervented?

Scurvy was the result of vitamin C deficiency. The British figured out that limes had vitamin C and gave them and lemons to their sailors, hence the nickname "Limey."