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Q: Seals and walruses were among the animals hunted by the?
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What animals live in south frigid zone?

Several types of animals that make their homes in frigid polar regions of the world. Among them are polar bears, arctic seals, and penguins.

What are some animals found in the Antarctica starting with x?

There are no animals that live on the Antarctic Continent, although penguins and seals among others, come to the edges of the continent to breed and fledge their young.

Did Artemis kill animals?

She was the goddess of the Hunt; as the goddess of the Wild she both protected and hunted within the wilderness; so too did she hunt wild animals and protect the young among them.

What does the hopi Indians do to survive?

There are a number of things that the Hopi Indians do to survive. They planted corn, squash and beans for food and also hunted animals and gathered fruits among other things.

What eats seals in Antarctica?

Among the natural predators of seals in the Southern Ocean that surrounds the Antarctic continent are Orca whales.

What extremely large mammal that lives in the water is among the most endangered animals on earth?

Whales, notably the blue whale, are endangered, mainly because they are hunted by man at a rate that their relatively small populations cannot compensate for.

What do you hunt with a bow?

you can hunt waterfowl, pheasant, rabbit, squirrel, coyote, dove, crow, and raccoon,

Why humans are classified among the animals?

Are we not Animals?

What is the animals life among the Aztec?

They have animals

How does cooperation among animals in a society promote the evolutionary success of individual animals?

Cooperation among animals in the wild seems to only occur among families of animals. It helps to promote reproductive success of certain groups of animals.

Is the wolverine hunted for sport?

Yes, they hunt them in Alaska among many other places. They are trapped more than they hunted.

How many seals are in the arctic?

lots. more than a million