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There were 23 U.S. Presidential elections during the second half of the 19th century. Below are the 23 election years, each followed by the winner of the election of that year:

  • 1852 - Franklin Pierce (Democrat)
  • 1856 - James Buchanan (Democrat)
  • 1860 - Abraham Lincoln (Republican)
  • 1864 - Abraham Lincoln (National Union Party)
  • 1868 - Ulysses S. Grant (Republican)
  • 1872 - Ulysses S. Grant (Republican)
  • 1876 - Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican)
  • 1880 - James A. Garfield (Republican)
  • 1884 - Grover Cleveland (Democrat)
  • 1888 - Benjamin Harrison (Republican)
  • 1892 - Grover Cleveland (Democrat)
  • 1896 - William McKinley (Republican)
  • 1900 - William McKinley (Republican)
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Q: Second half of the 19th century what are some presidents that were elected then?
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