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First, the spelling is "simile"-- pronounced SIMM-uh-lee. It refers to a comparison of two unlike things, using the words "like" or "as" to make the comparison, to show how the two are similar. The purpose is to paint a picture in the listener's mind, using only words to do it. For example: Love is like a rose. Now, here are two unlike things-- love, and a rose. But think about it: a rose is beautiful, and so is love. But a rose can have thorns that hurt you-- love may not have thorns, but it can certainly cause a person pain.

Or here's another: Maria swims like a dolphin. Obviously, Maria is a person, not a fish. But she is so good at swimming that she reminds people of a dolphin. Or one more: Peter is as stubborn as a mule. Again, Peter is a person, but he has a character trait we associate with mules-- he refuses to give in once he makes up his mind.

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Q: Sentence examples of similie
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