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Q: She left you for a married man does she owe you half the bills her name is on the loan to all of them?
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I had a car that got reposed and was left owning a lot on the loan and then I got married. Is my husband responsible for my pass due loan?

No, the only person responsible for the debt is the people who were on the loan.

What is half loan?

it is when you loan animal but you go down less to look after it and you pay less, and when you half loan usually someone can half loan with you!

Will a student loan help with bills?

Legitimate education-related bills only.

I had a car that got repossessed and I was left owing a lot on the loan and then I got married. Is my husband now responsible for my past due loan?

No. Because the car was purchased prior to the marriage.

Can you use a student loan to pay bills?

Is it possible? Yes. Is it legal or within the terms of your loan? No.

Do you have to be married to get an FHA loan?


Can you sue a ex boyfriend for a loan you secured for him to pay his bills if you have all the statements and canceled checks that paid the bills after the loan was secured?

if u have that much info, then you should at least try.

If you had a student loan before you married does it become his loan after you marry?

Probably not.

Can you get a student loan if you are married?


Can you get a student loan if you make a lot of money which goes to bills and rent but none for school.?

It will depend on the conditions of your loan provider.

How do you solve the bad credit car loan issue?

Pay your bills on time.

What is dead beat?

A dead beat is someone who does not pay their bills or repays a loan.