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Q: Should Confirmation Bias always prove a hypothesis?
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Why should experiments should be replicable?

An experiment is constructed to prove a hypothesis. If you do A+B-C; then you should always arrive at D as a result. Do a thousand test experiments without variation and the result should always be D. When you publish your results, other scientists around the world who follow the steps in the experiment you have outlined will also always arrive at the same result. These replications of the experiment by your peers will prove the validity of your hypothesis.

What should you do if your hypothesis is refuted?

"refute" means to prove to be false or erroneous. Therefore you should abandon your hypothesis because it is wrong.

What are two possible outcomes to prove an experiments hypothesis?

To prove the hypothesis. To disprove the hypothesis.

What is Hypothisis?

A hypothesis is a prediciton you make before you carry out and investigation. The investigation should prove your hypothesis right or wrong.

What can experiments prove?

An experiment can prove or disprove a hypothesis.

What is impossible to do with a hypothesis?

It is impossible to prove a hypothesis. It can only be disproved.

What is impossible to do a hypothesis?

It is impossible to prove a hypothesis. It can only be disproved.

If a hypothesis is proven wrong why is it still important?

Generally, creating a hypothesis is a no-win situation. The hypothesis you devise must be provable false. Your data will either prove your hypothesis false or it will fail to prove the hypothesis false. You can never prove a proper hypothesis true. Science does not prove truth, it simply discards the false.

Why can we never prove that a hypothesis true?

A hypothesis can never be proven true because there is always a possibility that it can be disproved. No matter how many times something happens, and how sure you think you are that it will happen again, there are always other possibilities that have not been explored.

Why you write hypothesis in different forms?

because Hypothesis itself is an assumption and we always use the term hypothesis only for assuming a perfect answer. so,we use mostly three forms,directional,non-directional and null hypothesis. it is a very simple and straightforward way to prove or make correct our hypothesis.

How did your experiment prove or disprove the hypothesis?

That depends on the result of the experiment. The experiment is a way to test a hypothesis, and it's completely fine if the experiment disproves the hypothesis. Ideally, though, the experiment will support the hypothesis.

Is a scientific hypothesis accepted if there is no way way to prove that the hypothesis is wrong?

No. Not being able to prove something is NOT the same as it being true.