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It is impossible to prove a hypothesis. It can only be disproved.

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Q: What is impossible to do with a hypothesis?
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What is impossible to do a hypothesis?

It is impossible to prove a hypothesis. It can only be disproved.

Why is it impossible to prove a hypothesis true?


Why is it impossible to ever prove a hypothesis it true?


How can a scientist test a hypothesis if its impossible to control the experiment?

To answer a specific question, scientist form a hypothesis. If the hypothesis cannot be testable or answered, they'll give you a prediction of what will most likely happen from the results of the hypothesis.

Why is it important to desing a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis?

The hypothesis states what question you are studying. If there is no hypothesis, one wouldn't know what one is studying, so it's impossible to construct a controlled experiment.

Why is it impossible to ever prove that hypothesis is true?

Most science uses indutive reasoning

Can a hypothesis be disproved by a single experiment.?

Yes. A hypothesis describes what we expect to happen in an experiment. If we do the experiment and something different happens, then our hypothesis is "falsified", or demonstrated to be false. In that case, we'll need to reconsider our hypothesis to determine how it was wrong. We can revise our hypothesis and then conduct a different experiment to test it. It's easy to demonstrate that a hypothesis is incorrect, but it is impossible to prove that it is true.

Why did scientist reject weeners hypothesis?

Because the caculated strength of rock made such movement of earth's crust seemed impossible.

What is the most important requirement of a hypothesis?

The most important feature of a scientific hypothesis is that it is testable. Another feature that is related is the attribute of being 'falsifiable', or otherwise capable of being proven incorrect. For instance, it's almost impossible to disprove 'there's intelligent life on other planets', and as such that would not work as a hypothesis.

An educated guess based on what you know and what you observe is called which?

It has been taught far too long that "an educated guess" was know as a hypothesis. However, the true meaning of a hypothesis is simply a proposed solution to a problem that must be tested in order to validate and be considered reliable. An hypothesis must also be provable false. "There are no elves" is a bad hypothesis because it is impossible to prove the absence of something.

How did Wegener use four type of evidence to help support his hypothesis of continental drift?

I have tried time and time again to figure it out but it is impossible.

Why is a hypothesis that is unsupported by observation rejected by scientists?

Simply put, because there is not enough evidence to support it. "Rejected by scientists" should not be taken to always mean "scientist believe it is impossible" - rather, consistent evidence that support the hypothesis has not been produced.